How well do you diversify? Are you all in on Hive? Do you hold onto BTC or do you like to have a wide range of coins to balance out your portfolio? Maybe you like to have coins in each sector or only ones that pay divs.
You don't need to give out specifics, but do you diversify your coins?
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Bitcoin will be King for a few years, but the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem will keep growin and many altcoins and Finance Platforms will rise and have huge market cap. Many Altcoin have utility and value, Bitcoin Maximalist dont want to understand that many fiat currencies are worthless right now and many other will be worthless, all the countries are doing the same things, destroying their currency.
Interesting word, Invest.
If you mean my fiat purchases, I have put money into HIVE, BTC, ETH, LTC, and BTS. I havent added a lot of late using fiat for a couple reasons but am using crypto to accumulate.
As for the others, I am all over the board. My biggest lottery ticket holding is BEOS. The rest are Hive related tokens with the exception of the few BAT I amassed by using Brave.
Posted Using LeoFinance
I always found BAT interesting, if I had money that might've been a buy.
yes i have a lot of crypto
I'd say 50% of my portfolio is in BTC and 10% ETH and then the rest is a mess of alts I'm making bets on like 13 different tokens
I prefer to invest all in Hive as I believe that Hive will do magic in long term.
I am quite diversified. main Holding are HIVE, BTC, ETH and the hated XRP. But to me that is true diversification. BTC at one end of the spectrum and XRP at the other. Then I have some top 20 ALts that are trying to "solve real world problems" HIVE is the most useful though lol