If A Massive Bullrun Happened Tomorrow, Would You Be Ready?

in Quello4 years ago

So let's say a major spike in crypto happened and all your coins went up 10x and kept going. They went so high that you or me could no longer buy them any more and stop all accumalting. Would you be ready for it? Or do you still want to get more Hive or Leo?

Personally I have enough and waiting long enough in this bear market that I would like to make enough profit not to worry about money. I do want to get more Leo before it explodes but yes I could use some green days on the market.


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Absolutely not, the longer the bull run delays the better, I need to keep stacking

Bring it on. I’m not selling.

Posted Using LeoFinance

Well, when that happens I will definitely feel I might have been able to accumulate more... Not that I would do things differently as the bull/dump delimma influences my choice every day for this to matter...

I want my future self to not feel I bought too little when I bump happens, or didn't sold fast enough when a dump does.

Wish I could let the price influence me less...