When the first time you started to get into crypto and why? For me it was 4 years ago and I was looking for a place that paid content creators.
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it was year 2018.. It was the time i met someone online, on Telegram. I am curious that time. How did he earn like that. What did he do. then i ask him how.. and he replied. He explain me everything about crypto world. Though i dont really understand even he explain alot.. and He said.
Just learn it slowly.. there is no shortcut learning cryptocurreny,blockchains directly. For now on you will join crypto airdrops., Learn slowly, At the same time you earn for free and dont hesitate to ask. "Ignorance is the begginning of your knowledge".
3years ago from airdrops
3 years ago, and it was via Hive (or then Steem)
Actually just recently, thank you Coinbase :D
Around 4 months ago, very happy with that descicion!
I got into crypto a couple of months ago. And, it was the same reason as yours. I saw that there are possibilites to earn crypto while creating contents. I am not a professional content creator but I always thought that I would rather profit my inolvement in and engagement with others in social media platforms. In that sense, Hive seems to be a right answer.
There are other blockchain powered social media platforms as well, like publish0X, readme.cash. I would like to try them all out as they proivde us the opportunity to shape the future of social media in an innovative way. Hopefully, these new engagements will help lessen the effect of centralized social media platfors out there that are voraciously consuming private individial data and creating trillion dollar companies.