I do not know why people can not see this. Our young adults have been trained for decades to recognize this language just to pass the SATs, the GREs and any standardized test. But they seem to think that only applies to taking test.
The NYTimes, long a decent source of news, has used this technique of negative language (although I look for the adjectives and verbs, not so much the nouns) since 2014, escalating its use significantly ever since Trump's legitimate election in 2016. The language used to report "news" for those five years was ridiculous - it would be a rare person (me) who could read that daily and NOT think Trump had fueled white supremacism. All false, all the time, I know. But still very much in effect, and the zombies among us can not see it.
Short personal testimony: For a long time I couldn't see it. I was very easily swayed and refused to believe any black and white view on any subject could possibly exist. I was that "yeah but" guy that drove everyone crazy. What a wonderful thing to have my eyes open to the deception and trickery. Smooth words, flattery, confirmation bias, paradigm reinforcement - all comforting lies that tickle the ears and hasten the feet on the way to the slaughterhouse.
Even outrage, if done right, feels pretty good for the blind leftest. They don't know Trump, if they did, they would like him. They only know the strawman that the propagandists have created of him, and they hate that strawman. They enjoy punching him down again and again. They really hate that his Twitter has gone silent. Where can they direct all that hate to now? Oh, I think I know.
They are directing their hate at the likes of me, who are openly refusing to engage in the forced medicalization of the entire world.