Why did you guys downvote my account. ????
To be honest it is very boring even though I admire this community, not the other way around, the works that I make you have smudged easily. If it is a mistake, you should give a good warning, not the other way around, immediately messing up
the post that I have worked so hard to make.
Please understand that moderators, admins of the hive and peakd communities provide ample opportunity for everyone who is in it. Remember if every user has a different problem maybe so do I.
thank you Stop your stupidity from downvote my account Sorry Please understand my condition
Downvoting this post just because you are telling people to stop downvoting you. You aren’t my mom and can’t tell me what to do.
thanks sir
There is no error on the c/about peakd community.
There is no error on hive in general ... people are allowed to upvote or downvote if they want it is a feature not a bug.
Thank you