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RE: Curation reward issue - New tools for our users - Donating our curation rewards

in About PeakD4 years ago

Taking from the weak to give to the strong seems to be the way of things around here.
Is it any wonder that most that have tried the game have rejected it as unsustainable?

While the one that won't be named was around I understood scavenging the pool to block his take over, but what is the excuse now?
Those same people are now doing to us what he was doing, but their legitimacy as
'defenders of the pool' is now gone.
No longer do they defend the pool from an abuser, they abuse it for themselves, and those that brown nose them well enough.

It isn't just me that thinks this, look at all the inactive accounts that found this game not worth their bother.
Do you think they are helping our rep in the market place?

I hope you reexamine your stance backing the haves over the havenots.


The game is a small small part in our minds. If the hive reward pool all went away it wouldn't change the goals and focus of peakd... but it is one of the games so we try to also support it. Hopefully people start to realize it's just a small part of hive

It's true, the pool is small potatoes.
Defi will take us away.

Ya'll are doing great with all the changes pushed through.
No fears of losing me back to