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RE: Testing Ads on for non-users

in About PeakD4 months ago

Certainly an idea worth trying.
I don't understand how it drives traffic to Hive but additional income sources are welcome as long as they don't impact the experience of account holders.


The idea is if users could see a personal or community reward to promoting their posts to people outside of Hive they would do it more. Do you think this will happen? Do we have the type of user base that is good at this? Maybe they've never had a big reason why non-users can't do reward-pool votes so maybe they've never cared before.

We are curious as well.

Personally I use Hive as the place I can write out my long form analysis and opinion for posterity and then circulate it to my friends, family and on X.

I also reference my old Hive posts on particular topics and send them to people I've been having a discussion about the topic with to provide the more in-depth treatment with references than can be done in conversation.