A new signup process similar to what Leofinance is doing. This way people won't have to leave PeakD to register, and the registration process is similar to what they're already familiar with.
If in 2021 we are able to implement much of the features suggested during the Communities brainstorming challenge, I think it will make a world of difference and will turn us from Hive being one big community where one size fits all, to Hive being the underlying platform enabling communities to thrive. Whatever PeakD can do to implement these Communities features, to me it is the most important thing.
I agree I would love to see lots more work on communities... I have a bunch of things lined up but would be interested to know which are the most important for you personally?
Also our sign up system is pretty quick and free integrating hiveonboard... what aspect of Leo would you like implimented?
Metamask and Twitter sign up!
Leofinance also have the option to create accounts using twitter.
That is massive! They are onboarding a lot of users thanks to this!
Later they will develop google account login that will be a nice addition!
They are planning to partner with other front ends for the LeoInfra integration which is the part of onboarding! Talk with them!
We should indeed talk with them because we specifically opted against having too many options because every option means 20k+ active users can create a free alt account with no responsibility. I want to know how they're getting around that.
"They are onboarding a lot of users thanks to this!"
I would love to know how they know how many of those users are net positive to them and hive and how many are just people getting a free name-squatting-account.
Adding twitter/fb/google support is indeed pretty simple but each one of those + phone# means that any person can get at least 4 user names. But it doesn't stop there... you can create lots of twitter accounts so essentially people have the option to create almost unlimited accounts. So i want to hear what they're doing to stop this or are they embracing it and telling people that they're onboarding tons of users? I can have a bunch of devices with metamask creating a wallet address on metamask is pretty easy and free not sure if it has to be a separate browser or just a separate wallet address ... either way also easy to abuse.
They have the free account tokens and want to pay for those it's up to them... it does however create an more of a disposition to bring in people who like to abuse systems and not have any financial responsibility for what they do themselves.
BUT... i guess it's a matter of figuring out what it is they do exactly and if it is indeed as simple as using twitter/metamask to be a check for free accounts... it's at least better than allowing a person to take as many names as they want as fast as they can.
Thanks for the response. You are focusing on the "abuse" part, I also think that this is super important.
However we all agree that the signup process is really important, finding ways to improve it will benefit the ecosystem. Would be cool to have a chat with the Leofinance team to improve together.
Sign up has already been super super easy... what hasn't been easy is dealing with blockchain KEYS and blockchain login software
Thanks for your response!
Indeed it would be great if you can talk with Leofinance to see how they've worked out onboarding.
From the list of ideas, my top picks there would be the three ideas from you and the two from me.