Evaluation of Hive Signup System

in About PeakD3 years ago (edited)


This post is a dynamic assessment of the social interfaces of the Hive ecosystem. It will be updated frequently based on changes and comments.

Our main goal is to optimize the use of the Hive ecosystem

We will always try to be as objective as possible, while taking into account user reviews (positive and negative).

Signup for Hive and Registration Providers

Interfaces are assessed on their levels of free, privacy and ease-of-use.

  • After a first analysis, Ecency is the interface that we find the simplest and easiest to register for newbies (Free and only requires an email account for verification). It is also a wallet (we will explain it in another post). A small downside is that some domain names are refused by their security filter in registration process.

  • HiveOnboard is the second interface that we consider interesting, it uses your phone number to validate the registration (A code delivered by Text / SMS is required to make sure you are real). Currently, they have implemented a unique registration system without phone (with email). However this system is not very explicit.

  • BlockTrades, HiveWallet, are others providers that charge a small fee but require no verification. HiveWallet is more suitable for a smart phone interface (is more suitable as a wallet).

  • BeeAnon, has a connection problem (Bad Gateway).
    If we had to rank them in order of preference

After registration there are also bonuses and affiliate systems that you must take into account in your registration choice.
In my next posts, I'll take a closer look at each of the interfaces and list their advantages and cons disadvantages.


this article is very interesting, it helps newcomers to better understand the ecosystem of Hive. I'm going to ask @ecency to boost it with 500 pts.
Thanks again

Sms is not secure, SIM swapping has not climaxed yet.