  1. Check your friend's recovery account

    Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-16 um 15.06.37.png Link:
  2. Check if you can reach out to the owner of the recovery account and if he/she is willing to help your friend recovering his/her account.
  3. Double-Check if your friend has access to his/her most recent master password, which worked before the account was hacked.
  4. Ask your friend to do Step 1 here:
  5. Ask your friend to send the new Public Owner Key to the person who has access to the recovery account and ask this person to do request recovery here:
  6. Ask your friend to do Step 3 here:
  7. If all steps before were successful the account is now recovered.

Thank you !

Ok, it seems the recovery account for his account is Tipu...

I'am pretty sure @cardboard can help you out in this case.

Thank you I got in touch with him ;)