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RE: Wallet, Better Tips, Cross Posts and More

in About PeakD5 years ago

This is wonderful. Great work you both are doing.

Question: If a post beyond 7 day payout is cross-posted, are the rewards now burned since they will automatically try to go to the closed payout original post instead of the new cross-post?

 5 years ago  

We didn't mention it in the post but if you go to an old post and try to vote it's now a different interface. You may like it.

I see that it becomes a tip option when done directly on the old post. But if someone is crossposting a paid out post it also creates a tip? How do the rewards work on the crosspost when people upvote the new post?

I don't think you can, @indigoocean, you can only tip.

I think its a shame, because there were old, underewarded posts past payout we were crossposting in the community that had opportunity to see light of day, but now can only get a tip.. which is highly unlikely.

I agree with you @riverflows - perhaps we were the only ones using crossposting well??

That's the scenario under which I really appreciated a recent crosspost one community did of one of my older posts. It didn't earn that much originally but the crosspost rewards even at only 95% about doubled the overall payout on it. Oh well. I guess there is a way to manually choose the payout going to the new post, just not the default.