Marketing your Hive-Peakd blog - (how one post got more views than everything on trending)

in About PeakD4 years ago (edited)


One post in the last 24hrs has gotten more traffic/views than all the top trending-algorithm posts combined. (not a hard task in real life but something notable for hive and peakd)

This post with over 3000 visits in less than 24hrs ... had zero rewards.


  • Trending-algorithm is an indication of what the whales on Hive deem deserving of hive rewards.
  • On PeakD we also want a place to show off who's actually driving traffic (including lots of new users) to our Hive based website.


I could have gone to peakd analytics server and saw it but i actually went to ... aka "Most Viewed Posts"
I was heading there with a @peakd account to give votes to the top daily viewed posts.

It had 0 rewards when i saw it and have since gave it a vote or two and @PeakD gave it a large hive tip.


I'm not saying it's deserving of being in Trending but I do think they are doing a great service to all of Hive by choosing to post a link to their radio show on Hive and then to post on TWITTER a link to that post.




  • If you got to the link it's promoting you'll see that radio stream has 72k listens since it was posted 8 days ago.
    You can see why it is driving so much traffic to

  • I'm not saying you have to like the content it does seem to talk about Trump and maybe you don't like that subject... or you don't speak french.

I will give you a little insight this account @radio-quebec consistently has a lot of views never gets votes but still is willing to post on Hive.


I use the word "influencer" knowing there are a lot of people that hate that word and what it often stands for... usually they think of vapid instagram models getting way too much money for posting about fashion brands. Or celebrities having way too much influence over people in arenas they have no clue about.

I know it's a charged word but I couldn't think of a better word and it does apply to lots of other people including radio shows and politics as we see in the example above.

Admittedly our reach between our userbase is pretty small outside of hive...
Usually we interact just among our small group of Hive users and post and share and then go to twitter and share to our group of users there (which is often the same group of hive users who also follow us over there)

... we can do that hundreds of times and then one guy who follows 7 active hive users only 2 of which have a vote over .01 and has 12 followers in total... well he gets thousands of views.

He can bring in more viewers to peakd than the next 20 top viewed posts of the week combined... and keep in mind his post has only been published for around 24hrs.

The question becomes what is the value of influential individuals (influencers) to Hive and what is our value to them?

I don't know why @radio-quebec keeps posting... i'm not even sure if @radio-quebec is owned by the person actually doing the posting of the posts. Maybe it's appropriate that they don't get a lot of rewards if that's the case. But @peakd is still willing to give them a great tip for simply bringing people to the site and exposing them to the site. Maybe some day they'll even talk about the site on the show or the people that see the links over and over again may break down and finally sign up.

Judging by the tags of the post they seem to also have issues with censorship so maybe they like the philosophy of what Hive/Peakd is trying to deal with.


Same as any other place on the internet... write content that people are really connected to and consistently want to come and read. Spread that content to where people are at and get them so invested that they are willing to come back again and again and will look forward to it and perhaps even spread that information to others. And they won't just magically find it on a site they've never been to... you'd likely need to put it in places they already inhabit. Twitter, Reddit, Random internet forums, FB, Youtube, Pinterest etc.
That may have to be a pretty constant theme until Hive/PeakD builds up a large user base and then maybe some future day other sites go to PeakD just to post stuff hoping it will direct attention to their content they put somewhere else?


Those who want their content read (not just rewarded) need to put some serious time and effort into creative and smart ways to get their posts seen. Hopefully helpful and non-annoying ways as well.
Youtubers and bloggers will spend years creating content and learning how to craft their content in a way that makes it look professional and desirable.

I have gone to youtube conferences where people spend hundreds of dollars to go to classes like "How to make a good thumbnail" and other tricks for setting up their posts. And it works... they make lots of money learning this stuff and applying it.

I don't know if we understand that bloggers are out there making crazy money with thousands or tens of thousands of views per post.

I didn't realize this but one of the biggest tools of many bloggers is still PINTEREST!! I had no clue but they have a system for making really solid and well crafted pins for each blog post they do and the pinterest search engine helps direct a lot of traffic to their blog. Some bloggers i was researching said it was almost a requirement... their job extended way beyond putting words on a page and hitting submit.


I guess the question becomes ... "What is the incentive for having lots of viewers on a Hive/PeakD post?

  • Right now it's not evident and prioritized that's for sure.
  • Having a large following on a platform that can't censor you is valuable
  • Having a large following on a platform that can't break your connections is huge as well.

Some may say that people can add you to a blacklist and hurt your chances for rewards... but that's a different discussion... rewards do not equal views. You are in charge of your views but are you valuing your reach, views and active connections?

People all over the internet are making crazy money because of views and reach... and they don't depend on "7 day systematic reward system based on blockchain votes"

  • They reward people for giving them what amounts to a donation-tip
  • They get tons of money on affiliate links like amazon
  • They get big time money through sponsorship deals
  • They get ongoing money through being sponsored
  • They have products of their own... even brand related swag.
  • And lots of them make ok money with AD revenue... but for the big players this is not the top source but it does help.

The type of people that can bring big time number of viewers will NEVER be impressed by the amount of reward money they can make here. They will instead be looking at how many viewers they can get to a post here so that they can use it to work with sponsors and affiliates and getting people to their own store. They will also hope for some ad revenue. Which can range $3-25 per thousand viewers depending on the amount of ads and the ad network they work with.


I know my answer... it's not gonna be worth a whole ton to them but my $0.30 vote (which equates to maybe $0.15 to the author) is at least something.
Also @peakd can certainly use some of the promotion money it gets to tip users like this.


We allow promotions on TOPIC pages and half that revenue goes to the community of hive holders at large through burning the hive tokens. That won't really help the person bringing their following to PeakD/Hive.

Maybe lesser known but PeakD also has the ability to allow community owners to turn on Promoted Posts on Communities and then promote that ability to their community or go out to potential advertisers and talk to them about it.

It seems like it would encourage communities to build up large audiences and promote their content. I don't think reddit community organizers that their communities of 100k or 1 million users is worth tens of thousands of dollars a month in ad revenue alone... and they get $0.0

Maybe there should be an incentive for a content creators that can consistently bring thousands to each of their posts the ability to decide if they want to turn on ads on their posts and earn from that?
Again... their decision because maybe they're more interested in sponsoships, affiliate links and perhaps money isn't even the drive for why they're writing... maybe they want influence in the arena they're writing about. (think politics or brand awareness)

One thing is for certain that there have never been a strong focus on incentives outside of Hive Reward system. Hive reward system is fine i don't have many problems with it except our oversized focus on it... I rarely talk about it when talking about Hive/PeakD and I would encourage anyone still reading this post that apparently cares about this subject to not mention Reward system in the first conversation they have with perspective users.

Meanwhile PeakD will keep pushing out features to make Hive a place people actually want to push people and connect with people and then hopefully have INFLUENCERS make this their primary or even secondary home. It's a slow development process but when we get closer we hope to test that on some people with some big big reach and see how it goes and really ask them what is it they really need here to want to bring their crazy amounts of content consumers here. It's not a quick fix but we're working toward it.


Such an important topic; seems most here don't get that we need to bring people from outside the bubble., We still have a long way to go with account creation process and lite accounts so people can interact without committing.

Glad your still here and driving this Jarvie; you give me faith that we might get there.

Such an interesting topic. For me, a person has Hive as my only social media, pushing people to Hive is not something I can do. That makes me ask, "Am I ok with the small following on Hive?" Why do I post? Why am I on Hive?

I post to document, create and for the small amount of rewards.
I am on Hive to post, see other great photographer and travel posts, and connect with people all over the world.

Another interesting topic is Engagement. @galenkp has a very successful Engagement Weekend and writes thoughtful comments on many people's posts. I love the idea of people being engaged with one another on Hive. Not just auto upvoting people but viewing posts of the people they chose to follow.

What is my role?
Influencer? No-see above
Engager, yes I do spend time voting and commenting on peoples comments
Content creator, yes spend a lot of my time doing this

I guess what I am saying is thanks for helping me look at my role in this community and ask myself if it is what I want it to be or should I do something more or less?

Thanks for the mention Sara, I appreciate it. :)

Your package from me is, no idea where, but I hope is closer to AZ than it is to Australia! I'm sure you'll let me know when it arrives. 😉

You are welcome. I really appreciate what you are doing. I am looking forward to it and now especially the homemade cards. :)

As word spreads around about the most viewed list perhaps some of the under-rewarded post will start to get a few votes, and that will bring more of the viewers into possibly creating accounts and becoming active on PeakD.

I sure hope so ... I think they bring a ton of value to hive

There should definitely be an incentive for huge traffic providers!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just voted it 100 % even though I don't understand the post. Getting few dollars of votes for so many views won't hurt.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks it's appreciated

Sorting by "most viewed post" is a very useful feature, wonder how it is calculated, on a daily basis, lifetime views or views in the last 7 days?

have you been to the page there are 5-6 different ways if you go to

i was commenting on Nathans post few days ago about the Twitter Hive bubble. The biggest problem is that a lot hive users started using twitter because of hive, and we are all in a bubble and it is hard to go out of it.

Twitter shadowbans tweets containing a link to a Hive front end, at least PeakdD.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well twitter didn't seem to hurt that twitter post I linked too a lot. But i wouldn't be surprised if they did it's a known practice by lots of those platforms

At one point in the spring my tweets containing such a link suddenly stopped getting any engagement at all.

they do it for 3speak for sure. most of the times if it is in the comments it does not shows until you click on show more.

Nice analysis. The key(s) to get followers, upvotes, rewards, street-cred, whatever you want to call it...create content, create quality content, persistently and consistently create quality content. It's no secret, it's just hard to do.

It's also about getting that content in front of eyeballs right?
In some places like youtube, reddit or pinterest people depend heavily on getting directed to some of the millions of people searching the search section of those sites. But we can't depend heavily on that so we go to the other forms.

@jarvie Thanks for the promotion

Is the number of view a new feature ? I don't see it on the previous posts.