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RE: Homepage redesign, IPFS, Layout improvements and more

in About PeakD4 years ago

I am not familiar with a good payment solution for crypto let alone for Hive/hbd

Coinbase is said to be easy but it doesn't have hive. Binance has credit card support but is not usable for US residents and many credit cards don't allow crypto transactions and will reject binance (like my own credit card)

Maybe PayPal has something.

And I am just not familiar with the two you have referenced so if you think they will be simple to use send links or tell them to get a hold of us


I only became aware of some of these recently from a bare minimum of playing around with WAX. Since they’re targeting some average consumers & collectors I see some good efforts that don’t rely on telling people to set up a robust & complex exchange account. I’d love to see Hive get listed as a supported currency and have a tab in the PeakD wallet looking like this!


Looks like these services support the vast majority of US states, possibly have a minimal KYC at purchase.

I need to actually make a purchase so I can review the whole process firsthand, and then perhaps just start tweeting #hive at them! But I’m sure it would take a community insider to help set up the listing and of course front ends willing to use it! PeakD always seems the most forward thinking and approachable to throw ideas at... so thanks!