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RE: Future of Tips + Tips have no fee

in About PeakD4 years ago

So to be honest, I think that at the current infrastructure support level and scale of Hive, TODAY neither of these examples would be successful. Too much friction still in buying Hive, plus a bunch of other choke points. My goal is to hopefully help to illustrate some of the many ways PeakD could fulfill on one of your defined pillars as being a partner in the success of your users. The strategy of which features implemented at what time in what order is a different problem and I'm sure you all know best what the best approach is for that in the context of everything you're working on.

That said, I do not think anyone will even attempt to do anything like this until the rails are already built and greased for them. I think whatever you macro vision is for PeakD, you will have to solidify that and go for it, then make changes and adaptations upon feedback and metrics of what's working and what's not. Just my 2 cents.