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RE: Verified Profile Pictures, Account Creation with HIVE and more!

in About PeakD3 years ago

Those are some great updates and will really add to the user experience.

I remember a while ago that there was some talk of ads being integrated to the platform. After seeing Leofinance plans for ad revenue i was wondering if there was any advancement on those plans or if there will be ad revenue for the site?

The idea that Jk laid out was a great one: have the automated LeoAds system take the ad revenue each month (it's paid in BTC), buy LEO on one of the 4 exchanges it is listed - whichever has the cheapest arbitrage price (wLEO, bLEO, pLEO or LEO) - then stake it all as LEO POWER into the accounts of everyone already holding LEO POWER.

I think that this would be an amazing way to reward hive users and to encourage more people to join and create content for a share of the ad revenue generated by the site or something similar.

Thanks.Could we see something like this in the future @asgarth?