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RE: Future of Tips + Tips have no fee

Would it be possible to set a tip amount that gets delivered automatically, when someone hits the vote button? Killing two birds with one stone. Some members might like that as I see a few vote and tip.

For older content no longer awaiting payout (after seven days), would it be possible to add in a pop up notification that says something like, "This content is no longer open for voting. Would you like to send this user a tip instead?" Tips were supposed to help extend the length of time content can qualify for monetization from seven days to, forever. I'm not seeing many consumers supporting old work in this fashion. Maybe they just need a little reminder, or maybe they don't know they can tip old content.


I would like to see tipping be a bit faster, so perhaps some sort of automation or default option/options may help that as a tipper.

I'm just thinking out loud here.

  • Maybe when you hover over TIP it can give you a few options you have set up. .3 HIVE | 1 HIVE | 10DOGE | CUSTOM
  • The other day i was talking with someone and we were thinking of some idea where perhaps the Receiver could share default tip amounts with a message stored on their account which we could display. Aka when you go into the tip panel maybe it says .1 hive and a fun or informative message from the user like "Every little bit counts" or "thanks for supporting my content" ... or whatever a good business minded content creator does to encourage tipping.

If I was busy kicking ass here, drawing big crowds, to encourage tipping I might do something like they have at sports events. The 50/50 draw. Anyone who tips is entered into the draw. I get half, the winner gets the other half. I too am just thinking outloud here. Brainstorming sessions are always fun.

 4 years ago  

For older content no longer awaiting payout (after seven days), would it be possible to add in a pop up notification that says something like, "This content is no longer open for voting. Would you like to send this user a tip instead?"

We do have that happen on older posts, go give it a try and see if there is anything else we can do to improve it.

I picked a random member, selected a random old post. I don't see a notification. Must I click something first? If so, I suggest making this friendly little heads up notification about tipping visible the moment I enter. Maybe it could appear in the bottom right corner, similar to the recovery account notification. Maybe it could be a bar/box covering the vote button area.

Human psychology. People need to be tempted into donating. This is why they place donation boxes in a high visibility area, on the counter, right next to where a consumer takes their goods to be purchased. Put it anywhere else that isn't so obvious, and whoever is accepting donations probably won't even see a dime. Needs to be convenient.

 4 years ago  

Go to an old post that is older than 7 days and click the heart button.

We are open to finding a better UX for tipping.

This seems like the best option. I wouldn't want a popup on every post older than 7 days that I read.

So yeah, I have to click. I'd suggest skipping that part, as stated previously. Totally up to you folks though.

when you try to like it (click the heart button) you get the notification and an option to tip

And yeah, I'm suggesting to make it more obvious as in, no click required. A simple notification right out in the open, clear as day, much like these words here today.