Success Story : What I think brought a second PeakD Daily Top Award in the last 7 days for Radio-Québec

in About PeakD4 years ago

Getting a second time the PeakD Top Daily award in the same week is another accomplishment that made me proud of the efforts I made in the last 7 months. Being displayed beside @theycallmedan, @therealwolf and @hivegc is quite nice ;).

As @jarvie suggested, I'm doing a little publication on my adventure on what may have brought my success on promoting content for established content creators after explaining why I'm still publishing on Hive for these content creators.

As @jarvie guessed, @Radio-Quebec's publications would or will also win the weekly and monthly top awards as they are the 2 top publications by views in the last week by a huge amount (3000 VS 150). Unfortunately the rewards of a publication isn't necessarly influenced by the number of view it get by potential new user it brings on the Hive and @PeakD ecosystem.


The Road so far

As a social media manager of the Hive profile of the "influencer" Alexis Cossette-Trudel and is brand @Radio-Quebec, I had many tasks to accomplish for today's success.

@Radio-Quebec is an alternative french media focussing mainly on American politics and current covid situation that have a lot of attention and subscribers in the french community recently.

First Step

Image by Jonas Jovaisis on Pixabay

The first action I have to made was to get in touch with him on Facebook and as a dedicated fan wanting to support him with concrete actions and my skills, I asked him to give me the permission to manage his Hive profile and he gladly accepted. Once his consent was acquired, I had to create a social profile on Hive with the proper logos, banners, description.

Promotion and engagment

As the Hive french community didn't want to interract with a "fake person" and since the Hive social profile was just a secondary presence, I didn't do that step, but if you're doing it for yourself of professionnaly for someone as a main social media profile, you should definitively consider promoting your new presence inside that network with a progressive momemtum.

What I mean by it is that you shouldn't go fullsteam with a new profile, as you need to test the market and learn what seem to work on that platform and audience. I would more suggest doing an introducing post and then getting in touch with the community around the topics you or the influencer you represent are covering. Remember that small little actions everyday and persistence will help you resonate more than big actions or a rush of many actions followed by a period of emptyness. Once you acquired a proper following and understand a little more the social environement and platform you're in, your next goal should be to publish content regularly with a proper signature, promotion and sharing on the main paltforms where you can attrack more people to your social media presence.

Attention to tags is important as it will allow people interested in the same topics as you to discover you.

Engaging in comments on your publications is important, but I would also suggest that you continue to get in touch with more people interested in the topic you are covering by going on their blog, forums and contests where they can be.

Keys to success

Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter on Pixabay

To my knowledge, here's the top 3 elements to succes I know :

  • Perseverence
  • Talent and expertise
  • Luck


Perseverancerequires discipline, regularity and consistent hard work to stay on the radar and keep the momemtum. Event if hard to accomplish, it's one of the element you have control over. With passion, following your intuition will be easier and help you in the long raod when it becomes difficult.

Talent and expertise

Not everyone has talent in everything, so you should choose to do something you have a talent or at least a great passion so that it will be easier for you and you won't quit when it's hard to continue because you love what you do. You can also learn new skills and acquire new knowledge related to your topic so that your expertise and talent can improve overtime. Every successful people had to work on their art and on themselve to be more efficient at what they are doing.


luck.jpgPhoto by Raka Miftah from Pexels

Not everyone have luck or are at the good place at the right moment, but more perseverance you have more statistical chance you have to get lucky. Sometimes to trigger luck you also need to go out of your comfort zone or you habits as luck is unpredictable and a little touch of random and intuition may sometime bring good result.

What if I don't have the 3 ?

Having both Perseverence, talent and luck is hard, but is the easiest path to success. Having 2 of them provide good chance of success but may require more time, while having only one of the 3 will make it quite hard to get success.

On these two @Radio-Quebec PeakD Top Daily awards, I definitively had perseverance as I republish almost all video content produced by Alexis.

I would say I improved my expertise over time, but as a developper publishing well done content and sharing it was in my reatch. I'm not the best at it, but good enough to improve. I also worked on raising my personnal followings on social networks so that my sharing would give more results.

Image by Steve Buissinne on Pixabay

As for the luck, the banning of @Radio-Quebec on YouTube is in my opinion that censorship made the achievement possible as many people lost track of Alexis as his YouTube channel and Facebook were deleted. So when I shared his content through a new Hive publication on @PeakD, it allowed many people that were searching his content to find it or even new people to discover it as the banning made more people willing to share his content to help him.

Reccomendation for @PeakD

@PeakD should consider getting more influencers to join the Hive party. I would recommend that they ask themselves what they can brought to popular content creators that a plateform like Odysee doesn't already bring them as, in my opinion, most of the censored content creators ran to Odysee, BitChute or other new alternatives.

Since the onboarding process of creating a new account seems to have been improved, there is hope that if celebrities join, their fanbase may be interested in joining the adventure too.

LBRY (BlockChain and crypto behind Odysee) had a nice partner program providing hundred of dollars in their crypto to incentivise content creators with more thant 10K fans to join their platform which helped them greatly increase their userbase and doubling their unique daily viewer from 2.5 million at the end of April to over 5 millions now.

@PeakD and the Hive ecosystem should consider to acquire a bigger audience as it's easy to monetize a big audience once you got it.


Remember that every 1000 miles journey starts with the first step.

Perseverence, discipline, self improvment and passion are in my opinion what you can act on to raise the chance that you succeed in what you're doing.

I hope it helps you on your journey to success.

Principales publications

💼 Politique | 💲 Cryptomonnaies | 📷 Photographie | 👉 Présentation

Réseaux sociaux

🐦Twitter | 💡 Minds | 📖 VK | 📚📷 LBRY Photo | 📚💼 LBRY Politique | 🐝 Hive

Nouveau sur Hive?

Pour les nouveaux membres ou ceux qui ne sont pas encore sur Hive :
📚 Hive ??? | 💥 Valeurs | 🐝 La Ruche

Liens et outils utile

Hivers : Vos likes, commentaires, reblogs et abonnements sont grandement appréciés.


Wow, fantastic to read about your story, and I just received a 5 HIVE token reward from PeakD myself as one of my articles had 250 views the last week (I didn't even know such competitions and rewards existed). But, this is really cool, and I believe the real treasure of Hive will be discovered when people use it not only for the rewards within first seven days after publishing, but see the potential it has due to domain ranking and chances of reaching a much wider audience! Keep up your great work!

I will have to agree with your statement 😉

Thanks for the appreciation and your opinion and congratulation on your award too, to what I understant the number of view is a quite recent feature to be used to feature Top Daily, Weekly and eventually Monthly.

Yeah - so it seems... But a really useful one, and hopefully one that will inspire people to write and create content also interesting to the outside world, and not only to focus on the internal rewards coming through upvotes and more!

Yeah, will see ;)

Successful story that revealed important factors which greatly affect the final results. Thank you for sharing your experience on the social media management.

Thanks for your comment and appreciation, glad that you liked it !

Your contribution was curated manually by @mima2606
Keep up the good work!

Your balance is below 0.3 HIVE. Your account is running low and should be replenished. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here:

Greetings @orlandumike, thank you for the recommendations, they are very useful. Good luck

Glad it was useful to you and that you like them. Thanks

 4 years ago  

We are grateful for content creators like you for sharing their insights into how they get success... we believe VIEWERS is a great metric to have success in and you're doing amazingly well at that... better than anyone else on Hive recently.

I would be fun to see more users work hand in hand with established creators/communities to help manage their account... but it's obviously a thankless task sometimes because a lot of people focus solely on Rewards these days and that's a hard area to break into because you have to depend on if certain whales like the theme or creator you bring in. But getting that already established community to VIEW is something you can more easily control. We hope to make this also economically rewarding for people in the future... meaning we hope to make features that will make getting attention/readers/eyeballs/views of economic benefit as well.

In the meantime your posts are inspiring ... yet another tip for you headed your way as a small token of our appreciation for educating the users here on Hive/PeakD

Thanks @PeakD, I'm glad your team is working on rewards more aligned to real life value brought to the ecosystem by content creators.

Thank for the gift, vote and comment, it's appreciated!

Very interesting!

LG Michael


Thanks @mima2606, glad that you liked it and curated it !

Wonderful and you accomplish more I never made it to that list hahahah keep on doing what you are doing now and blog on

Thanks you, I will, but I hope the Hive ecosystem consider that so it could regain some hype.

I hope so to but lately it’s a bit more quiet