Yeah I agree with your reasoning and believe in simplicity too. That's why I wondered if an on/off option would work where a person sees a live change to the things they're choosing to show or not show and not so much about adding a whole lot but simply cleaning up the look.
For example, I find it an eye sore to see on the profile the "SETTINGS" and "ACTIONS" when they could be in the drop down menu or reduced to their icons. The "FOLLOW" would be better suited under the avatar of users. Then BADGES seem too large too and labels like ADMIN and user and tag identifiers could be less loud.
Even simple tweaks like making the notification icon count the same color red as that which in in the PEAKD logo all work towards that look and feel which humans automatically find satisfying. SKINS would then have another positive effect and Dapplr have pleased a lot of people with their app by doing that.
Good to know it's on your horizon then and maybe I'll mock up something in time. I decided to add a banner to my profile recently and it gave me a half chub so then I thought more broadly about the look and feel of this place.
Cheers for your response!