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RE: Expand the Hive by Tapping into Parents’ Enthusiasm for their Kids

in My Creative Kidz4 years ago

you have got WAY too much time on your hands LOL

I have been seeing a lot more 'community' let's build stuff engagement lately , and it's awesome.

It's almost like a new 'abundance' economy is happening.


I am approaching my Expand the Hive initiatives as a would-be consumer.

I have 6 kids. I am always looking for ways to encourage them to take initiative. If someone showed me a platform where I could teach my kids about crypto while also encouraging them to express their creativity, I would sign up.

Granted, I am already extremely interested in all-things crypto, so that biases me toward this alternative.

However, I have been pro-crypto for a number of years and deeply interested for almost 3 years, but didn't know anything about Hive until a few months ago. And none of my students had ever heard of Hive until I presented it to them last month.

All you can do is sign them up in Hive and let them find their own place in the network.
They can easily express them selfs or their creativity by blogging on Hive for whatever they like.
When I invite my friends I’m telling them to blog about what they love.
For example some of my friends:
@alicewonderyoga - yoga teacher
@wizdombg - movement teacher. - art soul
@vaketo - shares his daily activity
@mmanolev33 - shares beautiful daily photos
@ivangeevo - shares music creativity and something everyday with us ;)
Myself I share my daily activity and a few photos from my days basically.
And the best of all is that hive gives us the opportunity to earn a piece of such a great technology...

Don’t forget hive is focused on blogging, vogs and freedom of speech mostly by @theycallmedan & @threespeak platform.

Because at those hard times we will need protection and place where we can express our opinions about everything happening around us.
And @theycallmedan is doing a very important work by working on a decentralized video sharing and protecting it from the outside world.

And I can keep on going ;)

Namaste 🙏

Absolutely! Namaste 🙏

Thanks for the feedback.

With this community, my goal is to bring in parents with kids who are too young to do any of those things themselves.

However, once the kids see it in action, their engagement and ability to do it themselves will accelerate.

Absolutely ;)
Right place to start from...
I tried to explain it to the young generation 13-20 age around me...
But they are still far away from understanding the technology.

Sounds like you got your hands full ;)

I raised 4 boys - i can only imagine 2 more.

What grade/class do you teach ?

!ENGAGE 10 (not sure if this will work - still learning)

I teach entrepreneurship at Oklahoma State University.

I have created a 'community' (that @aggroed helped me transform into a 'tribe') for my students. I have been posting content to the community for the past few weeks. Starting this week (hopefully), students will start posting their Discussion Forum interactions on the tribe website (which is

Students will earn GRAD tokens by voting on each other's Discussion Forum posts.

Thats aweseome -

Especially being able to introduce the growing $hive platform to an entire class of entrepreneurs ;)

You need to have 1000 ENGAGE, in order to use this service.