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RE: Is this contact tracing?

in STEMGeeks4 years ago

In the light of modern cryptography these sorts of utilities could certainly be effectively deployed without compromising privacy, but as you mentioned in a lot of ways that ship has already sailed with practically any phone as is. Although I think it's less than futile to attempt to maintain some semblance of privacy, but that's just me.

"I treat Covid like a bad case of the flu."

Seems fair to me. At least you're not saying it's a hoax or using it as an excuse to scapegoat the Chinese.

I really have been living in lock down and you seem to have actually been out there on the front lines so to speak so you'd probably know better than me, but I don't hear as much about long lasting sequelae from influenza as from diseases like Covid (SARS, MERS, etc).

Oh and government's mere existence seems like overreach to me, so I'm right there with you on those expectations.

 4 years ago  

Yeah, it's definitely not a hoax, but it's also not the apocalypse either.

Well, I guess my perspective is limited as I am an essential worker, so I move about a lot. As far as I know, my state only encourages precautions and vaccinations. We are open for the most part.

Most places are, and last I checked the numbers are actually looking heartening for once.

I'm just extra cautious because I have a plethora of medical conditions and missing organs. I haven't set foot in a store in at least 8 months, or even met in person with my friends or family.

Although I do think we could be much farther along if last year we had someone acting in good faith at the helm of our republic.

That's just wishful thinking though.

Take care out there.

 4 years ago  

You stay safe as well.