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Yep. Not everything can be about workouts πŸ˜› The code involved depends on the project you are working on. There are many lessons and tutorial videos available. Moreover people share their own circuits so it is fun to search projects by keywords or tags. Some people are very witty. Do you want to learn? Any home automation system in mind as a support for extra laziness?

Saved and safe by now! Thank you 😁

I see, so you can 'borrow' ideas from others quite easily - that's how I like to work πŸ˜›

Any home automation system in mind as a support for extra laziness?

Yes well, if you can design something that cooks, cleans.... nevermind 😁

Haha. What about this? 🀀

haha, almost perfect, and check out that πŸ‘ !

Hard, huh 😏

Must have been squatting for months 😏
