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RE: Mucinous Cystadenoma of the Ovary

in STEMGeeks3 years ago

We don't get to do frozen section often due to our machine gets broken and the nearest technicians to fix takes around months to come by then additional months to order parts overseas. Quite an inconvenience for training and health care in general but these are expensive to opt for here.

The hospitals that have a working frozen sections have high fees and even these fees are already cheap from recommended rates from our association but you know, we need to adjust because in the end, it's the patients who have no health insurance that are going to pay and I'm understating how pro rates here are being lowballed often.

I get to chat with the secretary/receptionist/encoder for the billing at our department regarding rates as this often gets asked. Now that we got to see the bucket lists of IHC stains and processing/professionals fees upfront, we kinda start getting more conscious about what tests we recommend to clinicians at the bare minimum.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Dang, and I thought my department had work order issues.