"Identify the molecule" league #24. Prize: knowledge + 5 Hive + 100 STEM + 50 CCC + 200 TMN

in STEMGeeks5 years ago (edited)

This contest is an attempt to promote scientific knowledge among community in a fun and interesting way with the help of molecules.
Some people like to travel around the world and tell others stories about what happens outside of our organisms/cells in other countries.
And with “Identify the molecule” contest you can try to travel inside our own organism/cells and cells of the organisms around us.

For more information about this contest read "Identify the molecule" contest. Upgrade (the league, additional bonuses and more) post.


The prize here is

1. knowledge

facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject
[Oxford Dictionary of English, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2010]

That understanding of our own organism and organisms around us is the real prize in the case of this contest. No matter what happens (whether or not you get 100 STEM), you can win (can acquire the knowledge by investigating different sources of information, remembering and using it to your advantage in the future).

2. 5 Hive

3. 100 STEM

STEMGeeks is a community focused on STEM topics rewarding engagement with STEM tokens. STEMGeeks is powered by the Steem blockchain with it's own distribution model for STEM tokens in addition to the potential STEEM tokens.
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and includes a wide range of science and technology topics.

4. 50 CCC (CreativeCoin)

This is to bring the artistic community together and reward them with tokens for their work.

5. 200 TMN

Aside from STEM I’d like to add TMN tokens.
For the uninitiated, TMN is the token of TranslateMe project (it’s about combining blockchain technology (NEO in this case) with translation industry).
The reason I’m going to add this token for the prize pool of this contest is not only because I have them, but because this contest is quite scientific, and TranslateMe project might help to solve the “lost” science problem.
For more on this you can read my post regarding TranslateMe (TranslateMe (or Decentralization meets Translation industry). Part 2. The “missing puzzle piece” of scientific ecosystem. General overview) (and other posts of that series (TranslateMe (or Decentralization meets Translation industry). Part 1. TranslateMe Chat App. Help to preserve languages, break language barriers, earn TMN. Twitter campaign (100 TMN bonus) and TranslateMe (or Decentralization meets Translation industry). Introduction)).

For more information on crypto-bonuses for this league, please refer to "Identify the molecule" contest. Upgrade (the league, additional bonuses and more) post.

Consider these tokens as a bonus.

Images and text are the clues for you to guess a riddle (the name of the molecule in this case).

Note that

a) even though this contest is called “Identify the molecule”,
-> molecule (singular)
sometimes it’s not just a molecule which is responsible for a specific function, but rather a complex of molecules.
cytochrome c oxidase (Complex IV)

is a large transmembrane protein complex… It is the last enzyme in the respiratory electron transport chain of cells located in the membrane.

b) some molecules/complexes have different names. For example, other names for cytochrome c oxidase (example above) are

Complex IV (mitochondrial electron transport).
Cytochrome a3.
Cytochrome aa3.
Cytochrome oxidase.
Warburg's respiratory enzyme.

Any of those names would be a valid entry.

c) Some almost identical molecules are grouped into classes / groups / families.
Helicases are divided into 6 groups. RecD and Dda molecules belong to helicases group (Superfamily 1 (SF1)). In this case you would need to guess only the name of the group –> Helicase/ Helicases.

d) Some proteins can have different forms – isoforms.
There’re trypsin 1 and trypsin 2. In this case you would need to guess only the general name – trypsin.


In order to get TMN, you’ll need to have NEO-wallet and provide me your public NEO-address.
If you don’t have it yet, don’t worry, I published a post on how/where to get it (O3 wallet).
Note that NEO-addresses provided by exchanges will not work in this case (+ it's safer NOT to keep your funds on exchanges). It's highly recommended to get O3 wallet.

If there’re no winners on any stage, the prize will be distributed equally among all users who provided any guesses for molecules.


Today's riddle is about the family of the proteins (and it's enough to guess just the family name) which was discovered 35 years ago.

(Surface representation. There’s just a part of the family member presented on the image above. You’ll get more details on what you see there in the next clue. The image was created by me with the help of PyMol - open source tool for molecular visualization/exploration. PDB-file was obtained from PDB)


(Cartoon representation. There’s just a part of the family member presented on the image above. You’ll get more details on what you see there in the next clue. The image was created by me with the help of PyMol - open source tool for molecular visualization/exploration. PDB-file was obtained from PDB)

The family members are one of the main and most memorable "characters" of the
"The Inner Life of the Cell" short movie

Homologs of the family can be found in different organisms (from yeast to humans).
The members are ATPases.


A conventional member of the family consists of 4 chains (2 heavy chains (responsible for motor activity (using ATP)) and 2 light chains (responsible for binding to the cargo)).
The family members play an important role in mitosis / meiosis.


The members of the family are part of the cell transportation system (on microtubules).


This contest lasts for 6 days.

Leave your guess (1 guess only) in the comments section of the post.

Don’t edit your comment/Don't delete or add new comments with the answers and don’t provide any evidence that your answer is correct.

I’ll provide the answer in the comments section of the next post on the 7th day of the week’s stage.

The first user with correct answer is the winner.

Some of the clues have already been provided in the post.

Additional clues will be given in 2 days (on Monday, May 4, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC) (I’ll update this post).

And the rest of the clues will be provided in 2 more days (on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC) (I’ll update this post).

The reason is that some people might need less information to make conclusions that the others.

Additional clues will be added at the end of the "Riddle" section before the "Rules" section with "Edited" label.

The winner will be announced on Friday, May 8, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC in the comments section of the next post. Plus I’ll publish a detailed review of the riddle after a while.

I’ll transfer the tokens (STEM + Hive + TMN + CCC) (if the winner provides me his/her NEO-address) to the winner on that day (May 8) and add the transaction ID in the comments section.

I’m planning to run this contest every week.
So, you should expect to see the 2nd week’s riddle for May on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.


I’ll add all the references for this post later, because most of them contain the name of the molecule.
That would be a spoiler.
I’ll add them after a while.


This contest is the work in progress.
A lot can be changed in the future.
Any recommendations/suggestions are very welcome.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments section.

All images (without the license specified) are used under the doctrine known in USA as "Fair Use" (similar doctrines are used in other countries). For more information visit the US Gov website



you're right.


just sent you 100 STEM, 5 Hive & 50 CCC.

and 200 TMN to the address provided earlier

"Neo Wallet: ALgqbiwENcxSBnz8LHZRsRpkEUqx2nCXRU"

Transaction ID: f3fdf632d12f9f282bb06904f5f0bb9036098537ddb6f71b3132caa1435f25a5


thanks for your interest for this contest/league.


Looks like I was too late again this week. I enjoyed the movie, though.



you were close to the right answer (Kinesin).


thanks for your interest for this league.

Thank you, it's a really nice contest!! :)
Have a nice day!