There are people in academia who are willing accomplices.
Yes, and Bezmenov has named them (not sure if it is in the video that I posted) as useful idiots.
If you trace the current situation you can see that they first conquered the social sciences but now you can see attacks on the hard science with that math is racist and similar bs...
If he was live today, Bezmenov would be astonished at just how far it all went.
From my understanding, the KGB plan was to sabotage the national myth of USA. Make people stop thinking about it as a freedom loving home of the brave who's ascension to power and prosperity has started by the founding fathers and their declaration that all men are created equal... and have the current climate where a significant number of its citizens believe that their country is irredeemably evil creation built upon the exploitation of minorities and governed by the white supremacists.
Hell, KGB is laughing from its grave as we are looking at the riots, just-in-time revision of the US history and the toppling of the Jefferson's and Washington's monuments.
The attack on the science and reason is just a cherry on top compared to that.