The antimatter.
It is an integrated matter, for particles with electrical load opposite to the normal one; thinking that there corresponds to him an antiparticle that possesses the same mass, antiproton, antielectron, they are those who integrate an atom of antimatter.


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¿How source of energy?
Some of those of major challenges, it would be the technological barriers, to initiate the development and handling of the antimatter, I mention to them, that departing from the process of annihilation of matter and antimatter it generates a brutal quantity of energy (radiation of gamma), it is considered to be more effective, that the energy was producing, in a nuclear way of merger and fission, also this type of energy when it takes place, it does not leave residues, giving him more credibility.
Taking in account, already experienced and verified, by means of simulation, to generate antimatter, and his high cost of producing it, it is a question to achieve the stable and sure storage of the antimatter. That's why new unknowns are born in the application of the sciences.
Source from YouTube
I explain it to him of the following way, the radiation of expressed gamma, for this reaction, it makes possible that it serves us to locate tumor textiles in the body. It is one of advance of medicine applying this skill, his application is waited by the time, of the following way the destruction of cancerous textiles by means of antiprotons, it is only of waiting if it is feasible in therapeutic form.
On the other hand it can be used like combustible. Source of energy cleans.
All the scope of the humanity is fascinating, for progress the quality of life applying the science, with this I say to them slightly curiously, it is not known, how the antiparticles behave in the gravitational field. It is a key of the theory of the relativity.

Labororatorio pioneering alpha in the development of antimatter
I depart from the following philosophy, it is not easy to speak about energy, as for the diversity of producing it, or of generating it, but also, matter must exist great more in the universe of the one that is seen to simple sight, so much as the cosmos and the universe as everything, it has his mystery, a part was based, according to the theory of the Big Bang, created to him the same quantity of matter that of antimatter, it might say that it might, are galaxies of antimatter, for the emission of radiation gamma, it might be a possible cloud of antimatter, but in our reality already we her simulate and apply, the mass, the load, the angular moment and the magnetic moment of these elements.
It shuts many puzzlers up still without resolving, but the most fascinating of all it rests in explaining why it does not exist in a natural way, but if I am clear that it was verified in 2006, thank you satellites Wide-brimmed straw hat, the antiprotons were discovered. Thinking that there are limitations that defy the laws of physics, the universe, but thanks to his studies, they have served as development for humanity.
“ only let's look you were doing it covers them with stars, to see that new contribution will give to the humanity ”
Bibliographical source and of image for this post:
The Antimatter
Written by Gabriel Chardin.
Gabriel's Book, Saga Vanir IV
Written by Lena Valenti
The unification of the forces for Abdus Salam
The Origin
very interesting
The Mystery of Antimatter