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RE: Anxiety Disorder: Should I remove my appendix?

in STEMGeeks3 years ago

Left to me, I would suggest CT scan should the pain reappear and persist for this same period.

Sometimes we get signs of impending issues but the body tries to settle them on its own not until it is overwhelmed.

Lol... sometimes also, psychology and minds can be deceitful. Just because you are conscious of the fact that pain around the right lower part of the abdomen could be due appendicitis, boom, the fears creeps in.

Sometimes I even wish I don't know some things.


Lol... sometimes also, psychology and minds can be deceitful. Just because you are conscious of the fact that pain around the right lower part of the abdomen could be due appendicitis, boom, the fears creeps in. of the reasons Googling one's symptoms is not good.

I would definitely go for a scan next time in order to put the thought away once and for all.