[Credits: geralt (Pixabay)]
started the project Citizen Science, where I am going to take part.@lemouth has
Task 1: Top-antitop production at the LHC
I start up the shell and execute the binary mg5_aMC
And voila:
Defined multiparticle all = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ a ve vm vt e- mu- ve~ vm~ vt~ e+ mu+ t b t~ b~ z w+ h w- ta- ta+
Question: Why is there no "g~"?
No anti gluon?
Very sad for that poor gluon, to be so alone!
Now I start a Proton - Proton collision:
generate p p > t t~
Looking good:
As I am running this on a headless server, following command does nothing for me:
display diagrams
Task 2: A Fortran code for top-antitop production at the LHC
I am not creative, so for the second task, I use the same command:
output some_name
Everything is there:
(barely visible)
Task 3: Computing the rate to top-antitop production at the LHC
Now I realized, I didn't have Fortran installed on the server, because, srsly, who needs FOrtran?
What next COBOL?
Well, at work, I need COBOL on kind of a daily basis, Fortran not so much;)
After Installing, I start again from scratch and change also some_name.
launch citizenscience
I seem to miss module 6, not sure, if needed later.
Edited with vi to False the config and started by pressing enter.
And now I wait.
Running this on one of my cheap VPS, so only 2 cores available.
But I got time!
INFO: Running Pythia8 [arXiv:1410.3012]
Splitting .lhe event file for PY8 parallelization...
Submitting Pythia8 jobs...
Pythia8 shower jobs: 1 Idle, 1 Running, 0 Done [9 seconds]
Same run on different machine:
Task 4: Checking out whether everything went fine
880M of Data in tag_1_pythia8_events.hepmc.gz
I am fine with it, I would say.
That's it for today.
( I might install gnuplot at some point;)
Posted with STEMGeeks
Thanks a lot for taking part to this project. I am pleased to read that you managed to go through all the tasks. I will answer below to the few points you raised in your report. Feel free to come back to me whenever it is needed.
Just out of curiosity, how long did it take you? How was the volume of work required? Was it reasonable or too large/too small? Thanks in advance for your feedback on these points.
Let me know answer your various questions.
All matter particles of the Standard Model (the 6 quarks, 3 charged leptons and 3 neutrinos) all come accompanied by their antiparticles. In contrast, the mediators of the fundamental interactions are all their own antiparticle, with the exception of the W boson. There are thus no antiparticles for the photon, the Z boson and the gluons. In addition, the Higgs boson is also its own antiparticle.
On common point to these particles that are their own antiparticle is that they are all electrically neutral. This property of being one's own antiparticle comes from the way they behave under the symmetries of the Standard Model. This can be further explained by generalising the concept of electric charge: if some particle is neutral for all charges of the theory, then it is its own antiparticle. The few examples above follow that rule.
To be able to see the diagrams, you may need to add a viewer for
files, and add the corresponding information in the fileinput/mg5_configuration.txt
. Nevertheless, note that this is not really a blocking point for the rest.What is module 6? I didn't understand that one. Do you mind clarifying?
may also be the way to go the be able to view the.eps
files. I remember usingevince
back in the days, but it seems that it does not work on recent Linux systems.Thanks for the comment!
Now some answers:
Workload: It would be nice, to quickly see in your post, what to enter.
I started it onone VPS and did step by step, sometimes looking for the commands to enter, i.e., when and where to do the configuration.
As i tried it on my other server it was way quicker.
Manual labor I would say 10 to 20 minutes, including reading your post:)
Workload on my machines, I don't care, 21 min on one and 10 minutes on the other:)
For me it was fun and short enough to keep me busy.
Could have been a bit longer, but not much.
Even in later tasks, I guess shorter is better, as none of us does this on a daily basis.
Module 6?
Yeah, sorry, I just realized, it is module 5.
Oh, and why is the cross-section the same (+/-) on both servers?
They are different. They just did run around the same time.
Thanks a lot for this very useful feedback.
Do you mean, having a kind of summary with all the commands typed one after the other? I am not sure to have understood what you meant here. Do you mind clarifying? Thanks in advance!
The time you took sounds reasonable. 10-20 minutes is probably OK. As you said, I prefer to move slowly over having everyone leaving because it takes too long. This has to stay fun, cool, and not too time-consuming.
That's fine that it is missing, as we won't use it. Therefore, please don't worry.
They are different but should agree within uncertainties. Their calculation relies on random numbers, so that depending on the seed to generate these random numbers, we may get a slightly different result. Is this short answer fine, or do you want me to elaborate?
Science is just so PIMPED !LOL
You must be killin' it out here!
1.000 PIMP@andy-vibes just slapped you with , @isnochys.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
You can still slap 1/3 more people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
I wonder what she’s up to now.
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/2)@isnochys, I sent you an on behalf of @andy-vibes