
Who is 'we' and 'where' can I find it?

Such as Blockchain

The Internet of Things is a cool dynamic, and it is no longer futuristic - it is here. But what about the next iteration of the Internet of Things? I call it the Internet of Ideas.

Natalie Nixon, Director of the Strategic Design MBA at Philadelphia University and Principal of Figure 8 Thinking, LLC

Coool, will look into this 🙇

One and each in direct contact with others, ah well, there was no ‘other’ and no self. Yet there is no more home to go to so we can only move on in full hybrid realities to new temporary zones we can call home for a while.

Rob Van Kranenburg, President and Chairman of The Internet of Things Council

Smart Urban Development is partly based on a high, socially balanced quality of life. Therefore, Smart City Wien supports the development of the [I]de[a] [M]achin[e] Platform.

Ina Homeier, Head of the Smart City Wien Project