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RE: Isnochys does Science #2

in STEMGeeks3 years ago

Tanks a lot for taking part to this episode. You where the first to pull out a report!

Ah, I don't mind and power through this one today, without knowing, what am I doing.
Welcome to the story of my life!

Ahaha! This rings some bells to me too! We are thus two in this boat! Let’s maybe team up (ooww, we already did it somehow ;) ).

Error in your description, @lemouth it is ma5, the program, not madanalysis5

Good catch, good catch. @gentleshaid was trapped in there too. It has now been fixed in the main post. I will give you a bonus support from the @stemsocial trail for being the first to notice this (and @gentleshaid will get a bonus too) ;) . This was not on purpose, believe me.

Lots of errors, but I will just ignore them.

That’s OK. You probably don’t have any latex/pdflatex compiler installed on the system. In fact… you just persuaded me not to use latex so far ;) Let’s move on with the HTML output only. This answers one of the final questions of your report.

@lemouth, you should tell us, when to write something down.

I will in the future. For now, what we do is just a toy exercise to get used to the tools to use. This being said, there is a (not so secret) way to get back to your numbers. You however seem to have found by yourself ;) (~/mg5/MG5_aMC_v2_9_9/citizenscience/index.html is the key).

For the next exercise, just keep in mind the 505.8 pb value you have used. There is nothing more to know. Moreover, we won’t install more programs. Everything is fully setup.



I found the number in old screenshots from my last post:)
But good to know,it is stored in another place,too:))
Thanks for the upvotes!