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RE: Taking a break from hosting a Math mini-contest for this month (for D.Buzz)

in STEMGeeks4 years ago (edited)

I fully understand your decision, participation was really low last month. I had a lot of fun with your contests, also in the earlier contests. I know it's hard to come up with good problems that can be solved within decent time, solve them yourself and post that solution in a way that is understandable for all. The difficulty was just right for me, but that may be different for others. I think posting time can't be 'right' for everyone, we're all distributed over various time zones anyway. I must admit I wasn't using dbuzz very much. Your contest made me look into dbuzz more often, at least around the contest time.

What can be improved to attract more participants? As simple as it may sound, but would it maybe help to add the reward in the post title?

[1 HIVE reward] Math mini-contest problem for Day X on D.Buzz...


I find your suggestion about adding the prize to the title great. 🙂 However, I tried searching for other contests, and they get a lot of engagement even if they don't put the reward itself on the title. 🤔 Besides that, I don't want the prize to be the only reason of other people to participate in the contest. 😐

Thanks for your understanding, feedback, and suggestion! 😀