Just discovered your fascinating series. Thank you! I will go back and read the back catalogue later but I do have a question for you. Are you into model railways as the Pi would be a perfect partner to run a full digitally controlled layout? I know there some people out there using them but there are no tutorials like yours sadly!
Ok..reading time! Thanks again and keep it up, I need interesting stuff to read as the main Hive feeds seems to be sadly lacking in stuff that interest me these days!
Best wishes :-)
PiSPROG add on board that I purchased for my Raspberry Pi #35. My brother has graciously donated his N scale rolling stock to me and I had started to build up my model railroad with the PiSPROG individually controlling the engines via the Wi_Throttle app on my phone. And I believe you can integrate your switching and light controls through there as well. But then COVID came along and I shifted my focus to my Pi Home Automation project.....since I was spending so much time at home.....(grin). So I've not really spent any time with it but I do want to get back into it down the road!
Hi @nathen007.stem and thanks for the kind words. I had a good chuckle when you asked about the model railway connection, because I had tinkered with the
You have just got your self a new stalker err follower!
I am just in the process of setting up a test track as I am getting back into the hobby and will be running DCC and upon reading up, there is so much functionality on the locos compared to the last time I ran a railway, 35+ years ago.
I also set-up a model railway community and then went around all the facebook groups to try and recruit people to the platform to no avail! Most model railway people seem to be rather stuck in their ways but I do read that they are fighting with DCC! Perhaps this will be a door into Hive in the future.
Thanks for the reply, and I will be watching closely for future articles! Have a great weekend.