
This is probably something you could get into, I know you are capable. I saw that VB6 app you wrote in 2014 for monitoring BitCoin.. though I didn't know what the hell it did! Looked good though.

That would be the VB.NET app that traded alt coin currency pairs on the Exchange via Cryptsy's Restful API.

I had fun writing that, then decided to convert it to C#.NET.

Then Cryptsy fell by the wayside amd I lost my whopping $40 investment.

That was shortly after I got bored of trying to mine cr*p coins with graphics cards lol.

I also tried mining Bitcoin with a Raspberry Pi, a 49 port USB 2.0 Hub and 9 USB Ant Miners, those were the days.

(before any one gets excited and thinks I'm rich, I'm not. Ant Miners where not the ideal hardware for raking it in mining Bitcoin in 2014)

After Cryptsy fell, I got bored with it all and returned to real life, then some guys took me for brunch and started talking about NFT's. That's when it all started again.

Thanks Slobberchops :)

onw / b8l

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wish I had taken more notice in 2014 when you showed me all this stuff. Did you manage to mine any BTC with those piddly bits of hardware?

I mined one tenth of a Bitcoin, worth $30.00 at the time, I bought a USB Ant Miner with it. Yes BTC was $300.00 each then lol.

I should have kept it.

You live and learn...

onw - Splinterlands
b8l - RisingStar

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta