Hi friends, today I will be teaching you guys how you can repair your extension socket without consulting anybody to repair your extension, so instead of you looking for someone to refix or repair your extension socket You can learn it here.
Extension socket is a series of connection (positive line and negative line) that allows current to flow in all the breaches of a extension.
functions of extension socket.

- it allows one to plug more than one phones or accessories in one wall socket.
- it also helps one to know exactly phones or accessories plug in one extension socket.
- Extension socket create room for people that will intend to plug their phones or accessories.
The causes of extension socket
- it can cause by over Voltage.
- it can cause by short circuit.
- it can also cause by open circuit.
- it can also cause by the switch of extension socket ( i.e when the switch of extension is been burn off by over Voltage).
5.it can also cause by wrong connections.
How to repair extension socket
Step 1 . Open the chasing.
step 2. dust it out if necessary.
Step 3. Use Multimeter to trace the fault set your Multimeter to continuity or x10 (I. e place the positive line of the Multimeter to the positive terminal of the socket and also to the neutral terminal. if is not displaying in the Multimeter screen, test the switch inside the Multimeter if is not working change the switch provided that all the positive and neutral are serially connected to its breach if any of the breach is not properly connected use Soldering iron to resolder it.
it can also cause by the head of cable So you can equally take the reading of the cable from the legs to the terminals whereby you would place the positive line of your Multimeter to one leg of the cable and to other.
Note: You may not know the exact line you are taking your reading. So if you take your test and it doesn't display on the screen of the Multimeter you change the line and if it doesn't still show you change your cable.