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RE: Raspberry Pi 400 Kit - Unboxing and Review

in STEMGeeks3 years ago

As a STEAM / STEM workforce team ingenuity like this will be critical to bridging the digital divide. There are entirely to many people who are not digitally connected for a lack of compute power, and processing capability. These netbooks and chrome books don't have nearly the firepower needed to truly be involved in the blockchain opportunity. Using things like Raspberry Pi 400 will be critical to getting disadvantaged families onboarded.

My goal would be to run a 501c3 Fundraising campaign to buy at least 200 of these unites for the purpose of incentivizing students to take classes, and learning code by utilizing and earning their own Raspberry Pi 400. With these we can help them set up $GUAP , $PIVX, and other Master-nodes and other critical tools that can build wealth for them while they learn and utilize their devices.

Thank you again for this article i look forward to interacting with you.


I agree and believe that these microcomputers revolutionized the STEM community, allowing the creation of increasingly heavy and reduced-size projects.
On the other hand, it allows low-cost access to disadvantaged people and schools, who can create and explore new projects without having to spend huge amounts of money on equipment.
Thank you so much for the comment and good luck with your projects!