Everything in nature is constantly vibrating: the gigantic stone that has been located in the same place for millions of years, the hard diamond crystal that seems immutable and, of course, the restless hummingbird that can never be still and that seems not to rest, and our brain that, still asleep, is always active. Everything is vibration and without vibration nothing would exist.
Even though on the plane of empirical reality, the one we can perceive with our limited senses, we can have the certain impression that there are elements that remain immutable and without any sign of movement, science has shown that at the atomic level all the bodies present in the universe, independently of their size, are in constant movement.
In the field of quantum mechanics, the level of subatomic particles that make up the basic fabric of everything that exists, the movement is so dizzying that it is impossible for us to imagine those speeds. That is why the German physicist Werner Heisenberg promulgated in 1927 the Uncertainty Principle, which states that it is not possible to determine, in terms of quantum physics, with precision and simultaneously, the position and linear momentum of a given element, among other variables.
ULTRAVIOLET VIBRATIONToday I wanted to share with you a simple creative exercise I created with the free software http://firealpaca.com/ that is my personal interpretation of the Universal Vibration and whose name is
https://www.deepl.com/ helps me with the Translation
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