
Lol it comes with a mindset as well, one of the reasons we find ourselves involved in crypto

You think they are related? That's interesting. Please elaborate.

You mentioned in your post you were the keen type, you didn't just stick to your duty, you were inquisitive to learn other things related to your job.

I can relate to that habit, my career in telecoms started as just cable routing, I didn't know the technical side of the job but I developed the desire to know more than just pulling cables, I even took an online course from US back in 2012 which cost me about R12000 back then.

The point is it is the mindset of wanting to know more, wanting to do more which invariably led to growth in experience on the job, no am running full projects from start to finish.
In relation to crypto, it is no different from being curious about crypto. I think it is simply a mindset thing, if you are not the type that wants to try new things growth is very unlikely unless you live life with luck being on your side.