Now Reading: The New Gods #1

in Comics2 months ago


Out With The Old In With The New

The New Gods comic is delivered to our yearning hands complete with a fresh lick of paint and that new car smell, positioning itself as an exciting series to shake up the DC universe that we all know and love. The prospect of a new pantheon of gods will have even the most hard-to-please comic fan salivating like a ravenous hyena. However, before tucking into this delightful banquet of divine proportions, a moment of silence should be permitted for the passing of Darkseid.

That’s right, kids, the cranky lord of planet Apocalypse is no more, and his departure leaves a hole that no amount of ice cream and doughnuts will ever fill. Indeed, the absence of the most evil entity in the galaxy calls for filling if the cosmic scales are to be properly balanced, but who is to fill the void is the big 100-dollar question.

Enter Metron, the resident know-it-all, traipsing around space on what essentially amounts to a galactic Easy Boy chair with features hard to find in your average furniture store. Metron knows things, in fact, he knows a great many things including how to skillfully fit into a skin-tight black onesie. Wardrobes aside, the wise one must travel to High Father of New Genesis to report that the new god will be born on earth, with its destiny for a good or evil path being a bit of a toss-up.




The High Father, who seems to be out of sorts of late, appears to air on the cynical side of these new states and decides to summon his son, and primary champion, Orion, to destroy this fledgling god. Of course, even Orion feels a little iffy about infanticide and must call on the assistance of his brother, Scott Free, to assist in this otherwise sticky moral conundrum.

The New Gods is the start of something incredibly exciting and positions itself as a story that presents several potentialities within the larger DC universe. Not only are we treated to the promise of a cast of powerful new entities, but also the exciting cat-and-mouse dynamic between Orion and Scott, the latter putting all his skills to the test against a powerful champion who must struggle against the age-old battle between nature and nurture. One thing is for sure, exciting times lie ahead, and the ride starts with issue 1.