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RE: Climbing The Most Dangerous Ridge In Hong Kong - West Dog Teeth

in Worldmappinlast year

Wow! You rock sis! You overcame this huge ridge! You truly are very courageous, imagine you did this all alone. Oh my!! Great job! You conquered many things just by trudging the steep climb and the sheer cliffs on the sides.
It must be an overwhelming feeling when you reached the top.
This spot is perfect for some meditation and some soul searching.
Proud of your accomplishments deary, for not everyone can do what you just did!!


Well, it is not the very peak, my ultimate goal was to reach the highest point on this island.. That's the next's just located next to this peak.. It was an amazing experience. My body got pain for a few days after this scramble haha..


It's not the peak yet?! Oh my! But it's already very high!
Well, given the terrain and the extra pull of gravity it will really give someone pain specially if you are not really doing this frequently.
But I am glad you are safe dear.
Our dare devil filipina hiver!!
Hat's off to you!👍💪🏆🥂🍻🥂