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RE: (En_Es) Crossing the Caribbean Sea and impatiently waiting for a child on the way.//Travesía por el mar Caribe y la espera impaciente por un hijo en camino.

Mi amor que lindo te ha quedado este post. Yo fui esa embarazada de 8 meses que dejaste en tierra firme esperando por ti. Solo Dios y yo sabemos los miedos y añoranzas que experimenté en tu espera. Las llamadas eran un tesoro, a veces no llegaba a tiempo a contestarlas y era un dolor inmenso el tratar de reconectarlas y no poder. Solo me quedaba enviarte esos mensajes silenciosos via sms, esos que hasta muchos dias despues no me notificaban que te habian llegado. Los dias pasaban, a veces no sabia de ti. Luego supe de la formación de la tormenta. Tu en alta mar, todos ocultandome información, no me dejaban ver los medios de información para que yo no me agobiara. Pero eso ya era inevitable, estaba muy nerviosa, ya el bebe estaba proximo a nacer y aun no llegabas a tierra. Hasta que una llamada devolvio mi alma al cuerpo, ya estabas en puerto cubano y vendrias a verme. Ese momento de felicidad es inexplicable, pero sin dudas muy feliz.

English version
My love, how beautiful this post has turned out for you. I was that 8 month pregnant woman that you left on dry land waiting for you. Only God and I know the fears and longings I experienced while waiting for you. The calls were a treasure, sometimes I didn't get to answer them in time and it was an immense pain to try to reconnect them and not be able to. All I had to do was send you those silent messages via SMS, the ones that didn't notify me until many days later that they had arrived. The days went by, sometimes I didn't know about you. Then I learned about the formation of the storm. You on the high seas, everyone hiding information from me, they didn't let me see the media so that I wouldn't get overwhelmed. But that was inevitable, I was very nervous, the baby was close to being born and you still hadn't reached land. Until a call returned my soul to my body, you were already in the Cuban port and you would come to see me. That moment of happiness is inexplicable, but without a doubt very happy.