I usually don't like zoos that have large wild animals out of their habitat, locked in small cages. But fortunately that rarely happens anymore. I see that the one you went to is more birds, reptiles and small animals. It can be very educational for both kids and adults to see other species that you normally can't see where you live. You can see that they are well cared for and fed, and that is always nice. Thanks for sharing your experience and your photos, I love all the animals.😍
This zoo has proper space allocated to the animals, so no animal cruelty is going on here. It's one of the best, if not the best in the country.
It's not more birds as there are 700 animals of all kinds, belonging to 150 species, but could not squeeze all in a post. And you are right, there are a lot of educational activities for kids. This weekend for example there was announced that feeding can be watched at specific hours and with this occasion they tell people what they are feeding the animals with, how and so on.