A Week at Yosemite
This winter holidays, our family went back to Yosemite National Park in California. I mentioned went back before we have spent multiple winter breaks there, the last time in 2018. Whenever we travel in the United States (and in most overseas destinations too) we typically like to rent a house. With our family of 4 it is easier than way, as we can spread out and have our personal rooms, living room and kitchen. We love to cook while at holidays, makes it like 'living'. So we rented this cabin in the woods in the Yosemite West.
No, it doesn't come with a car. That Ford Expedition is a rental, picked up from SFO airport:) Although it looks like it is a house in the middle of no where, it is actually not. It is well spaced from the next house, but it is infact a neighborhood right outside the park entrance of the Wawona Road, for those of your who are familiar with the area. I am coming here in this particular neighborhood for last 20 years, and now this is well built-up compared to even 10 years back.
The cabin is average, nothing too fancy. Believe be, these houses can get very fancy in this area. We preferred a property at the corner, far away from the next house and well into the woods. The deck at the 2nd level is good for lunch and hanging out. Nights were chilly, otherwise, it is excellent place to have dinner too. It is winter, so foliage is a bit grey, unless you get very close to a water source.
The house had an external 1000 gallons propane tank, and a Natural Gas generator. The whole house, the power, cooktop, heating, everything can be off the grid if needed. This area can get a lot of snow, but power lines are external, so the houses here can loose power during a major snow storm (we didn't get any meaningful snow, California was very dry in late 2023).
With the home base set, the way to travel Yosemite with kids is to simply do day hikes, as many as they are willing to do. In the Yosemite valley floor there are a lot of kid-friendly hikes. Over the years, I have done every single hikes, so now it almost doesn't matter which one I do. It takes the stress out of the equation. We hike, sit down somewhere, have the kids paint/ draw something, get up and walk again.

Life is simple, even if the vista a stark and barren, often cold. I can simply look up at the Yosemite falls and talk geology to my kids all I want. I talked to them about the last Ice Age, the Pleistocene glaciation. They are quite familar thanks to the Movie Ice Age:) What those movies does is arouse interest in kids, then we can get the facts straight and inform them with additional scientific fact. We talked in in detail about Younger Dryas, a life that is described in the USGS publication but not in detail
The simplest figure is here at the Wikipedia. In general it is a time about 15K - 11K years before present when the planet gotten really cold for the last time, and at the end of Younger Dryas, the planet suddenly started warming again, melting all the glacial ice covering the Yosemite valley floor where we were standing. My younger really loves that the time is named after a flower.
It was a warm afternoon at the valley, and my younger was lying down on a log listening to my story about younger dryas, and the breech of the ice dam of Lake Missoula that followed the flood in the western US. It is a facinating story, and maybe someday I will do a proper justis to it.
But until then they get to listen, relax, and enjoy hiking on the moss covered granites at various trails. Yosemite can be very monochromatic in the winter, that's why all the big walls like the El Capitan below is almost always shot better in B&W.
So here is the big wall of mighty El Cap in bright morning light! If that doesn't wake up your inner naturalist, I don't know what will:)

I spent a lot of time watching Ice Age but likely failed to deliver on facts :)
Some great shots!
The first two installments are nice and had some geologic facts suitable for kids, if you know them beforehand:)
I told you about the Zanclean flood after the Messinian salinity crisis which re-flooded the Med. Similar thing happened at the end of the last ice age during Younger Dryas, when the ice dam of Pleistocene glacial lake Missoula broke and a catastrophic flood swept large amounts of Oregon and Washington along the Columbia river drainage
Or we live in a gap of big stuff and a currently skating on thin ice :)
Our existence as a species is tiny compared to earth history. Last 10K years have been very quiet and we thrived at that time. 95% of the population can't survive a simple disaster like some of the one I describe here:) No matter where in the world in happens. This is a fact.
PS. This is also a fact that average human lifespan is even smaller. Chances are slim that you will see something meaningful geologically in the next 50 years :)
Great snaps man, I'm so jealous...Was also hoping to see some snaps of your Bronco but you hired instead. Maybe next time. That snap of your daughter laying on the fallen tree is the best I think.
It will take 3 -4 days to drive one way to Yosemite if I drive from Houston:) flying better. I don't get that much vacation:)
Yep, same situation here, it's a big place. Flying makes the most use of available time.
Those are awesome views and photos. The BW one looks breathtaking. I like the your strategy of renting a house for more space. I haven't been to Yosemite, but it looks like a very lovely place. I also love how the photo of the fallen log messes with my perspective of how big things are.
Scales are big there and it's a easy place to go and spend a week almost any time of the year.
Wow, those photos are beautiful. I am hoping to make it out to Yosemite one day. My wife and I are heading west this summer, but we won't be going that far. It's crazy how the home rental thing has changed the way we travel now.
Yes, if you are staying at a place for longer than 3 nights it is almost always better to rent a house as opposed to a hotel room
My wife and I are heading to Colorado and meeting her sister's family out there. We decided to all get a big house together. The photos look beautiful and with that many people it was much more affordable than a hotel.
5-10 years back, renting a house or a condo was infinitely cheaper than a hotel room. Most people have caught on now, so the advantage is less due to post covid rapid increase of rents. But still it is better. It is still more affordable than a hotel and absolutely more spacious
Yes, that is definitely true. When my wife and I travel alone, we almost find it less expensive to stay in a hotel. Larger groups definitely lend themselves better to the vacation rentals we now see.
What a great place to go with a family! Cooking when being on a holiday is definetely something worth doing as it makes you feel in your natural element.
It's easier to cook with kids then to visit a restaurant every meal.
Yes, and definetely healthier and financially wiser
The third pics does looks like...a set up from the Indian hill station....it appeared to be a normal until I met with El capo-big Wall.
Yes there are similarities
That last shot is just amazing! Monochrome is really the best choice for that area. It calls to mind all those famous Ansel Adams shots. Anyway, looks like a great place to spend a holiday.
Yes, Ansel Adams and John Muir both shot Yosemite in large format B&W film. Those images remain iconic for good reasons
Makes me want to watch free solo again. There are no mountains here where I live, I miss them.
But I have the ocean instead.
Free Solo is absolutely amazing. I have spent a lot of time around Camp 4, not for climbing but studying geology, that place where climbing and geology meets
Lovely place, from Tahoe right down to Yosemite. Must feel really good just to sit there and take it all in.
I like it. It's my classroom or office:)
These are some very nice photos! I especially like the one with the reflection in the water. Sounds like you had a very nice winter break.
We did. Lucky enough to get out of Houston
Looks amazing, but don't you have to keep an eye open for bears ?, or are they sleeping still now ?
bears are usually not a problem. Yes they are sleeping, but they don't sleep all the time during hybernation. I have seen a lot of them get up and move around. But honestly, they are more afraid of us than the other way around:)
In my case I wouldn't bet on that :-)
Really spectacular scenery, good that you choose time to vacation in places like this, very nice pictures, greetings.
thank you, I love to travel
Vacationing with family by renting a house in the middle of a natural forest is a very pleasant experience, the mountains are filled with granite and the valley there is really very beautiful
The place looks amazing
Above all, I love the last monochrome picture
Looks cute
Ese lugar es muy bonito 😊
Quite a shock I'm seeing this place as a travel memory post as I recently did a post mentioning it for the #leofinance #februaryinleo contest.
The pictures look way better her, and I indeed love the picture of the wall.✨
That wall is 3000ft tall :)
Thank you. Free Solo is an incredible piece of work.
Oh yes what Alex managed to do is incredible, it takes so much courage to do this sort of climbing