Secret Landscape Trail🌳/Sendero Secreto Paisajistico🧭 (En-Es)

in Worldmappin3 months ago
I had read on one occasion about a mythical and hidden path not suitable for everyone, a place surrounded by nature and the slopes of the dense Mediterranean forests, an environment where few have managed to reach and to be able to capture the wildness of the Atlantic hitting the rocks of the natural Sierra "Arrabida", after several attempts today I found the way to reach the path that I baptized: "Arrabida Immensity"; enjoy my experience.🌍🧭

Habia leido en una ocasion un sendero mitico y oculto no apto para todas las personas, un lugar envuelto entre la naturaleza y las vertientes de los bosques tupidos Mediterranicos, un ambiente donde pocos han conseguido llegar y poder capturar la bravedad del atlantico golpeando las rocas de la Sierra natural "Arrabida", luego de varios intentos hoy consegui el camino para llegar al sendero al que Bautice: "Arrabida Inmensidad"; disfruta de mi experiencia.⛲🏔️

How to get the path🧭🚩/Como conseguir el camino🏔️🌍

The trail starts at the following coordinate: (38.460287, -9.022523) and then there is another coordinate that is key and was what I discovered to be able to reach the cliff at this point is that you have to cross to be able to take the correct route: (38.455760, -9.018350) here you will have three paths you will cross the one on the right side in front there are some that have colored fabrics, those are not, there are no signs that is why you can easily get lost, in the summer the mountain is too hot that is why it brings a lot of water, I think the best time to do the trail is in December on a sunny day. AVOID RAINY DAYS THE TERRAIN PRESENTS RISK OF DEATH YOU CAN FALL OFF THE CLIFF.🧭🌳
El sendero comienza en la siguiente coordenada: (38.460287, -9.022523) y luego hay otra coordenada que es clave y fue lo que descubri para poder llegar al despenadero en este punto es que tienes que cruzar para poder tomar la ruta correcta: (38.455760, -9.018350) aqui tendras tres caminos vas a cruzar al del lado derecho en frente hay unos que tienen unas telas de colores esos no son, no hay senales por eso puedes perderte facilmente, en el verano la montana es demasiado caliente por eso trae mucha agua, creo que la mejor epoca para hacer el sendero es en diciembre en un dia soleado. EVITA LOS DIAS DE LLUVIA EL TERRENO PRESENTA RIESGO DE PELIGRO DE MUERTE PUEDES CAER POR EL PRENCIPICIO.🚙🗺️🏕️

Landscape arrabida🧭🚩/Paisajistico arrabida🏔️🌍

When we leave the road we will enter these sand roads, which are common throughout the area because it is a protected natural reserve in which asphalt cannot be used on the roads and that is why on rainy days we should avoid taking the trail. The first section of the walk delights us with the hills and other landscapes of the "arrabida", here you can use a bicycle if you want to go faster, these roads are known for horse riding.🌳🧭
cuando salimos de la carretera entraremos en estos caminos de arrena cosa comun en toda la zona pues es una reserva natural protegida la cual no se puede usar asfalto en los caminos y es por eso que en dias de lluvia debemos evitar realizar el sendero, el primer tramo de la caminata nos deleita con las colinas y otros paisajes de la "arrabida", aqui puedes usar bicicleta si quieres ir mas rapido, estos caminos son conocidos por paseo de caballos.🚩🌄

We are going to go around the mountain🏔️

Basically the path is to go around the mountain in front of us and to get there we will take several alternative paths between the small forests. This is probably one of my favorite parts because the landscape is immense and seems to have no end. The clouds and the green of the mountain give us the feeling that we are so small.🧭

basicamente el camino es bordear esa montana que tenemos en frente y para ellos vamos tomar varios caminos alternativos entre los pequenos bosques, probablemente esta sea una de mis partes preferidas pues el paisaje es inmenso y parece que no tuviese fin, las nubes y el verde de la montana nos dan una sensacion de que somos tan pequenos.🌄

Hidden area of ​​totens🧭🚩/Area oculta de totens🏔️🌍

I found myself hiding among the bushes in this area that seems to have been a group of caves hundreds of years ago, but for protection purposes today they have been covered by thousands of rocks. Between the craters this path was created which leads to a wide view of the Atlantic, and these piles of stones stacked by travelers, some with promises, others with small burials. What I can't hide is that feeling of peace, mystery and respect in this part! I suppose the rocks emit some energy... I've never experienced that feeling.🧭🚩
Consegui escondido entre los arbustos esta area que parece que hace cientos de anos fueron un conjunto de cuevas las cuales por proteccion hoy en dia fueron tapadas por miles de rocas, y entre el medio de esos crateres se creo este camino el cual nos conduce a una vista basta del atlantico, y estos toten de piedras apilados por viajantes, algunos con promesas, otros con pequenos entierros, lo que si no puedo ocultar es esa sensacion de paz, misterio y respeto en esta parte! supongo que las rocas emiten alguna energia... Nunca experimente esa sensacion.🛐✝️

Forest of silence🧭🚩/Bosque del silencio🏔️🌍

Now we enter a forest that is also quite strange, and look, if you follow me in all my posts you know that I have already entered hundreds of forests, but again the path surprises me with a space dense with several species of bushes, trees, I stayed five minutes in the middle of the path to listen to nature and I heard absolutely nothing, not a single bird, I even began to feel uncomfortable because I felt like someone was watching me, really this mountain is super strange.🌳🌻🌷
Ahora entramos en un bosque que tambien es bastante extrano, y mira que si me acompanas en todos mis post sabes que ya entre en cientos de bosques, pero nuevamente el sendero me sorprende con un espacio tupido de varias especies de arbustos, arboles, me quede cinco minutos en medio del camino para escuchar la naturaleza y no escuche absolutamente nada, ni una sola ave, hasta comence a sentirme incomodo porque sentia que alguien me miraba, de verdad que esta montana es super extrana.🍀🌿🌳🌲

Descent towards the cliff🧭🚩/Descenso🏔️🌍

Now that we've left the forest we're going to start going down the mountain, but be careful, you must do this path with walking sticks and hiking boots, you can fall and seriously hurt yourself, since it rained last week this place is chaotic, too dangerous and slippery, the mountain doesn't help because there are loose rocks.🌷🌻🌳
Ahora que salimos del bosque vamos a comenzar a bajar la montana pero cuidado este camino debes realizarlo con bastones y botas de excursiones, puedes caerte y hacerte dano gravemente, como la semana pasada llovio esto esta un caos, demasiado peligroso y resbaloso, la montana no ayuda porque hay rocas sueltas.🧭🌍🚙

Danger of falling🧭🚩/Peligro de caida🏔️🌍

This is where the brutal part of the hike begins, and which I was warned about so much: to climb these mountains you need to have experience, be very attentive and careful because if you slip you will probably roll down the cliff and fall more than 200 meters high. To show you what I am describing, I am leaving you a photo of some climbers.🧭🌻
Es ahora donde comienza la parte brutal de la caminata y la cual tanto me advirtieron, para escalar estas montanas necesitas tener experiencia, ser muy atento y cuidadoso porque si te resbalas probablemente vas a rodar por el penasco y caeras a mas de 200 metros de altura, para demostrarte lo que describo te dejo la foto de unos escaladores.🛑⛔

I arrived at the secret place🧭🚩/Llegue al lugar secreto🏔️🌍

The path that the climber is taking is behind the mountain while I got here following a dry river and a path where I had to make some small and dangerous descents between the rocks.🧭🚙

El camino que esta haciendo el escalador es por detras de la montana mientras yo llegue aqui siguiendo un rio seco y un camino donde tuve que hacer unas pequenas y peligrosas bajadas entre las piedras.🌍

It is probably the most difficult trail I have done this year and it helped me learn more about myself and measure my limits. It would be something I would repeat but with company so I could go a little more safely because if something were to happen to you there are no signs here and you have no access to anything, so we have to be very responsible if we are going down.🧭🚙
Probablemente sea el sendero mas dificil que haga este ano y me sirvio para aprender mas sobre mi y conseguir medir mis limites, seria algo que repetia de nuevo pero compania para poder ir un poco mas seguro ya que si te llega a pasar algo aqui no hay senal y no tienes acceso a nada por eso tenemos que ser bien responsables si vas a bajar.🌍


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Hiking is always a fascinating adventure, excellent publication.