Of all the places I have visited in Portugal, all the adventures, all the experiences, how many walks have I done? How many kilometres have I walked? How many falls... victories... I always thought I had seen it all! I always thought I knew the best of my small country... Then there is DORNES..🧭🌍
De tantos sitios que visite en Portugal, de tantas aventuras, de tantas experiencias, cuantas caminatas ya hice? cuantos kilometros ya recorri? cuantas caidas...victorias... Siempre pense haberlo visto todo! siempre pense que conocia lo mejor de mi pequeno pais... Luego esta DORNES..⛺🌳
I'm honest with you... I'm afraid of waking up one day and not being able to see things like these anymore, to enjoy captivating landscapes, to repress my freedom and be able to shout in an infinite open field THAT I AM ALIVE, THAT I AM PART OF AN EXEPTIONAL UNIVERSE, poetry is not my thing... I'm just a poor traveler... But when we're inspired there's no barrier that can stop us... I want to live infinitely and never tire of breathing the scent of rain, of wet ground! Bahh... I'm just a grain of sand in the existential ocean... Dornes... It captivates me... Dornes inspires me...🧭🏰
Les soy sincero... Tengo miedo de un dia despertar y no poder ver mas cosas como estas, disfrutar de paisajes cautivantes, de reprimir mi libertad y poder gritar en un campo abierto infinito QUE ESTOY VIVO, QUE FORMO PARTE DE UN UNIVERSO EXEPCIONAL, la poesia no es lo mio... Solo soy un pobre viajero... Pero cuando estamos inspirados no hay barrera que nos detenga... Quiero vivir infinitamente y jamas cansarme de respirar el aroma a lluvia, a suelo mojado! bahh... Solo soy un granito de arena en el oceano existencial... Dornes... Me cautiva... Dornes me inspira...✍🏻🌄

I was so afraid of showing who I was, of hiding my true self!!!... My family is my world, my center, the core of my soul. Until when will we settle for so little? Enough of always being in the background! Enough of falling, of giving up, enough of losing, of crying, of screaming, ENOUGH!!! Today I understood that I am the best!!! Nothing and no one can defeat me!!!! Whoever comes between my family and me will feel my longing for victory!, oh Dornes!!! Land of mysteries, of sacrifices, it was here where great conquerors of Portugal were born, it was here where Portugal showed the world THAT NOTHING AND NO ONE CONQUERS US... That's me... I understand... that's us... PORTUGUESE...💂🏻♂️💂🏻♀️
Tenia tanto miedo de mostrar quien era, de ocultar mi verdadero YO!!!... Mi familia es mi mundo, mi centro, el nucleo de mi alma. Hasta cuando conformarnos con tan poco? basta de estar siempre en segundo plano! basta de caer, de rendirte, basta de perder, de llorar, de gritar, BASTA!!! hoy comprendi que soy el mejor!!! nada ni nadie puede conmigo!!!! quien se interponga entre mi familia y yo sentira mi anhelo de victoria!, oh Dornes!!! Tierra de misterios, de sacrificios, fue aqui donde nascieron grandes conquistadores de Portugal, fue aqui donde Portugal demostro al mundo QUE NADA NI NADIE NOS CONQUISTA... Eso soy... ya entendi... eso somos... PORTUGUESES...🧭🏰

As I was letting myself be carried by the warm and slow tide of the Zêzere River, I saw an old man in the distance... He was on a very old wooden boat, it was obvious that he had built it himself... He had a fishing rod in his hands, I thought: "how many hours has he been there?" I saw no signs of fish in the water... suddenly a cloud cleared from the sky and the sun came out and I was literally stunned because I could see the reflection of my face in the water... and then I felt hypnotized... Suddenly: "POOMMM" my thoughts exploded and I understood that the Lord is not waiting to catch something... HE WAS JUST LIVINGGGGG!!!🧭🌳
Mientras me dejaba llevar por la calida y lenta marea del Rio Zêzere vi a lo lejos un viejito... Estaba encima de un bote de madera muy antiguo, se veia que lo habia construido el mismo... Tenia en sus manos una cana de pescar, pense: "cuantas horas tiene el ahi?" no veo signos de peces en el agua... de pronto una nube se despejo del cielo y el sol salio y literalmente me quede pasmado porque consegui ver el reflejo de mi rostro en el agua... Y ahi me senti hipnotizado... De pronto: "POOMMM" mis pensamientos explotaron y comprendi que el senor no esta a espera de pescar algo... ESTAVA ERA SOLO VIVIENDOOOO!!!🌄🌍

He with his fishing rod... I with my camera in my hand... We were both consumed by the beauty of the Zêzere, both living our own way! ... FRIEND, THERE IS NO WAY TO LIVE HAPPILY... I'm going to stay... I want to see the sunset in Dornes...
Si el con su cana de pescar... yo con mi camara en la mano... Ambos eramos consumidos por la belleza del Zêzere, ambos viviendo a nuestro modo! ...AMIGO NO EXISTE UNA MANERA DE VIVIR FELIZ... Voy a quedarme... Quiero ver el ocaso en Dornes...
Dornes land of history🗺️🧭/Dornes tierra de historia🚩🌍

Dornes... You came to life before the founding of Portugal as a sovereign country, there is so much history in your lands and how could it be otherwise if thanks to you we managed to withstand the great hordes of the enemy, again and again trying to conquer our freedom, the yoke is never welcome in a land of freedom! When you walk among the stone paths of Dornes suddenly your spirit is magnified and you feel like a Templar soldier! Under the Christian order with good and bad decisions we can never be reproached for anything... THAT SOMETHING IS HONOR UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. I may leave this world and will only be remembered as a good husband, a good father, a good friend, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? I will also be remembered as one of the best HIVE publishers... So it is with great pride I say it... And how can I not feel proud if in the end my inspiration comes from here!!! In the end I will be remembered by many at least while I live... Maybe that will be my legacy for now...🏰💂🏻♀️💂🏻♂️
Dornes... Cobraste vida desde antes de la fundacion de Portugal como soberania, como pais, hay tanta historia en tus tierras y como no si gracias a ti conseguimos soportar las grandes hordas del enemigo, una y otra vez intentando conquistar nuestra libertad, el yugo nunca es bienvenido en una tierra de Libertad! cuando caminas entre los caminos de piedra de Dornes de repente tu espiritu se engrandece y te sientes un soldado templario! bajo la orden Cristiana con buenas y malas decisiones nunca se nos podra reprochar algo... ESE ALGO ES EL HONOR BAJO CUALQUIER CIRCUSTANCIA. Yo quizas deje este mundo y solo sere recordado como un buen esposo, un buen padre, un buen amigo, PERO SABES QUE? tambien sere recordado como uno de los mejores publicadores de HIVE... Asi es con mucho orgullo lo digo... Y como no sentirme orgulloso si al final mi inspiracion viene de aqui!!! al final si sere recordado por varios al menos mientras viva... Puede que ese sea mi legado de momento...✍🏻🧭
Time stands still in Dornes🗺️🧭/El tiempo en Dornes se detiene🚩🌍

The first dynasty of Portugal left a document stating the existence of Dornes around the 13th century, making it one of the oldest lands in Portugal. It may not be the oldest, but its history is unrivalled. The Dornes peninsula, as it is known today, has very few people living there and depends practically on tourism! Many of the things here have not been modified or altered, giving you the feeling that time has stopped here for more than 500 years. It is a typical medieval village! Rustic, cold, lonely... Dull in winter, cheerful in summer!⛺🏰
La primera Dinastia de Portugal dejo plasmado en un documento la existencia de Dornes hacia el siglo XIII siendo una de las tierras mas antiguas de Portugal, puede que no la mas antigua pero igual su historia es inigualable, la peninsula de Dornes como se le conoce actualmente tiene muy pocas personas viviendo alli y depende practicamente del turismo! muchas de las cosas que estan aqui no han sido modificadas ni alteradas dandote la sensacion que aqui el tiempo se detuvo a mas de 500 anos, es la tipica aldea medieval! rustica, fria, solitaria... Apagada en invierno, alegre en verano!🚩🗺️
Wild and majestic🗺️🧭/Salvaje y majestuosa🚩🌍

It is by soaring through the skies that you can appreciate the true nature of the village, a wild and pine-clad state, the beauty of the Mediterranean radiating in a calm and still water where only my drone can be heard from miles away. Is there a place more peaceful than this? Is there another village in Portugal more beautiful than Dornes? Can a place inspire you as much as Dornes? I don't know, friends... I have my doubts... I have never felt so distracted and conquered by nature...🏰🧭
Surcando los cielos es que consigues apreciar la verdadera naturaleza de la aldea, envolvente estado salvaje rodeado de pinos, la belleza del mediterraneo irradia con detenimiento en una agua tranquila y parada donde solo mi drone se escucha a kilometros de distancia, acaso un lugar es mas tranquilo que este? acaso existe otra aldea en Portugal mas hermosa que Dornes? puede un lugar inspirarte tanto como Dornes? no se amigos... Yo estoy con dudas... Jamas me senti tan distraido y conquistado por la naturaleza...🚩🌄
Promises you keep🗺️🧭/Promesas que cumples🚩🌍

See you soon🌷
Dornes, I promise you that I will return... Your inspiration in my life was so great that you deserve another chance, you deserve to be seen, appreciated, loved, photographed, these are the few lands where I can proudly say HOW LUCKY I AM TO LIVE IN PORTUGAL🌍
Dornes te prometo que volvere... Tu inspiracion en mi vida fue tan grande que mereces otra oportunidad, mereces ser vista, apreciada, amada, fotografiada, son de aquellas pocas tierras donde con mucho orgullo puedo decir QUE AFORTUNADO SOY EN VIVIR EN PORTUGAL🌄

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Dornes is indeed beautiful and also it is your post!
Portugal is amazing
Good evening my brother
Wow, what a beautiful place, lots of natural beauty that can make us comfortable, and you also managed to capture the beauty of this place very well.Awesome have a nice day my brother 🙏♥️
!discovery 30
Thanks friend
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Dornes is a beautiful location. The abundant natural presence, the bushes, and the water is wonderful. Worthy of a perfect fantasy story. You connect with it incredibly, it envelops you. Captivating, I explain.
Places like this are always magical. I hope you can come back to appreciate its beauty even more.
Thanks for the support
What a beautiful city, check out some of the amazing scenery photos and it's so entertaining ❤️
The place is so amazing,the mountain,the houses and the seas are so good.this is really wonderful to explore.
Yup, the river ufff... amazing
This place really fascinates me
Hi deli happy dayyyy
Thank you very much 😊💛
Travel Digest #2493.
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Hiya, @ybanezkim26 here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Top 3 in Your post has been manually curated by the @worldmappin team. If you like what we're doing, please drop by to check out all the rest of today's great posts and consider supporting other authors like yourself and us so we can keep the project going!Who would have thought such a beautiful, remote and peaceful city is found so close to Lisboa.
Thanks so much
What a fascinating place, the view is truly breathtaking. @biologistbrito
Hi, thanks 😍