This is my second part and entry to the 1000 contest pinmapple and haveyoubeenhere community, user experience assignment. I like telling you the why, how and when.
This is my part 1 of the contest which I posted earlier this week.
I am a pinner of trips, I was that when I was on the former platform Steemit and I still am. I love @pinmapple and my city travelled library on the map.
You see the front picture you used, date, vote count and made amount on the post.
We also used it often as a contest or challenge in the redfishrally for @theterminal and that was always a succes in meeting the new ralliers. And with the task they got to see how this platform within our blockchain works. I also did some projects and the first one is a long time ago on Steemit.
But that I will adress later and tell all about this fun thing from the past.
Pinmapple (formerly known as Steemitworldmap) is a collection of the best travel content on the Hive blockchain shown on a map, and a ready to use extra to see who is where or who is been where when making a blog or want to read a travel experience from fellow hivers.
As a Hiver and as an blog-author, when you travel you can enter your travel location on the site and than you get an auto-generated code containing the location of the place where you. That code is the link between a written blog and a pinned mark on the map by @pinmapple. If done correctly, adding this code to your post will enable the Pinmapple searcher to find the location of your post and pin it on the map within minutes. And be there for always to go back to and re-live your holiday or evening-out.
The procedure works on any front-end for Hive, available to everybody
for free. Once your location is pinned to the Pinmapple map, it will also be curated by the Pinmapple team. Thats a benefit to,your account and hive made. Every day the Pinmapple team curates the best travel posts and issues a Travel Digest to showcase the authors' works. I had that happen and that’s a moment we all like because it’s recognition.
I chose my city as an example ; ROTTERDAM, Holland
And I choose Football Club Feijenoord in Rotterdam to pin.
Click in the Search box and type the location of your travel; Hit ENTER;
Click on the location result on the Pinmapple map;
A box at the bottom of the page will appear;
Enter a name for your location;
Click on the code underneath the name for your location
Message above the code will state: Copied Successfully; and
Paste the code into your post. Anywhere in your post will be sufficient. You may need to place a space before and after the code.
a) The map is hidden and WILL NOT appear in PREVIEW.
b) The location will be added to the Pinmapple Map ONLY after you publish the post.
1) A notice that your post has been successfully added to the Map; and
2) A link to your Pinmapple PROFILE so that you can check if your location is correct.
d) Only 1 location per post will be pinned to the map.
e) Pinmapple code must be included in post prior to publishing,
c) @pinmapple will visit your post and leave a comment once your location has been added to its map. The Comment will contain:
f) Pinmapple and Haveyoubeenhere." by @pinmapple. Posted on Hive. Pinmapple and Haveyoubeenhere
The map will cluster all the pins together to have a neat look on countries but with zooming in the pins will all be visible ( colors on the map are red, yellow and blue ) and zoom can be into streets etc because it’s Google maps orientated.
So what do you need to do ? Its the
User Experience Writing Contest (300 HIVE)
🥇Winners: 3 x 100 Hive (300 Hive total).
In your own words tell us about your experience withPinmapple and/or Haveyoubeenhere. Some ideas include how you feel when you look at your own map/collection of pins, how you use it to plan your next trip, how you document your work around the world, your quest to travel and put a pin in every country, your experience with the Pinmapple team, etc.
Your post needs to be at least 300 words long.
Original content only, no plagiarism.
Anything else?
The closing date for all entries is Thursday 25th November 2020.
Use the tag #pinmapplethousand.
While preparing my noorder light blog for the pineapple contest I was reminded of the fact that a few year ago I did a blog with handing out flags. I pinned them on a map in my office. Still have the pins and kept the map obviously. It’s fun to see if I still interact with the people from back than.
This is what I wrote than : It all started three weeks ago, the weather is getting nicer and the sun is out alot mor than the last few months and we started wondering where would we want to go if we could go on a holiday - trip right now, no strings attached, no work to be considered and the dogs would take care off them selves, or go to the sitters.
Read the blogs about it right here:
YOU ....... ROCKED THE FLAGS !I bought an old school woldmap and made it into my own office #steemitworldmap. I asked you, my steemit than and hive friends now to tell me if you wanted a flag all you had to do I tell me where you live.
I did these kind of blog before and gave out steemitflags. And I am giving them out again ! For FREE.
I looked back to My blog and was not planning to repeat this one but I met so many new peeps , here I was doing a second round. I Will keep pinning you on the map if you tell me Where you live. I think its Nice to See with which part off the world I am in contact with.
I have got you steemian friends from all over the world. In the beginning when I started the blog @smasssh told me his 3 hiding places in the world, one in Holland, one in Sweden and last in France , @beautifullbullies in the Uk, @erikklok and @s3rg3 in My home country the Netherlands, just as fellow @blockbrothers @exyle , @eqko and @bennierex.
Offcourse My Son @colpowercoll and @ohmygoodness in beautiful Berlin, @muscara on the Orange route in Germany. I got @vvasy in Poland, @daljeetmyd in mystic Punjab, @philipkavan in Bangladesh, in India we have My friends @steemflow and @bee84, from Almost the other side off the world My fellow mama’s @alimamastory and @happycrazycon from My Discord group and fellow @steemitmamas, from SA, I have @chekohler in Cape Town, but also @joetunex , @jaynie and @julianhorack.
And at My opposite at the other side off this globe I have to lovely couple @jgfp both from sensual Venezuela and from the United States off America I have got My friend @bitshares from Phoenix AZ, later joined by @phoenixwren from Denver USA, @plantstoplanks from Georgia USA, @rwedegis from Mins, Florida, @handsofzara in North Carolina, @xcountytravelers Scott in Cleveland, just a @mattifer.
I pinned a flag in Montana for @jamethiel. And on the west side i have @glenalbrethsen in Oregon, just as @goatgirlz.
In port Oregon i have a flag for @lizablove. @stever82 in S.California, @jamerussell in SanJose and @steemseph in Los Angeles.
I even put some red fish in the Oceans. And also dead fish because Lets be honest some off mine and also your followers are dead and we need to burry them @googlyeyes in Liberland, yes even Liberland is on the map, and @fraenk , @chruuselbeeri and @ikarus56 in Frankfurt, Germany. In Innsbruck , Austria i have the #learnandearn tag master @matkodurko aswell as in Trecin , Slovakia.
In Switzerland in Luzern i pinned a flag for globetrotter AND Dutchie @karinxxl.
On the sunny Island of Mallorca , Spain the EL master of lists, @abh12345. Next to Spain in Portugal we have friends @psos in Lisbon and @trinkowski. Across the sea in la Bella Italia, Rome, @fuscianigia @isakost @mbrighi
In Kiev Ukraine @alexworld. In Budapest Hungary we have Dutchie @anouk-nox.
In Romania @erikah, in Greece on Rhodes, @dragonblades. In Turkey @keyserowze. All alone well with a flag of mine in Bahrain @cityofstars.
India is represented by @bloggerkrunal , @bee84, @abhisheksss571 and @steemflow. In Punjab yes all the way there we have @daljeetmyd. Two steemians in Bangladesh in @shuvo35 and @philipkavan.
We got @robmojo from Sabah Malaysia, @dev1993 and @verasj.
In Canada we have 4 lovely ladies @merlowmama in Manitoba , @Gotlius , @thekitchenfairy and @yogajill in Stratmore, and finally @karbon in Toronto.
I pinned the following Dutch flags for my steemit friends in the Netherlands too @soyrosa , @pundito , @guchtere @bengy @hans001 , @dboontje , @mathowl in Groningen, @verhp11 in Zutphen, @michelmake in Vaals, @guchtere in Beautiful Zeeland, vjbasil and @bart2305. Alot i met in person at the MEETUPS.
Then @societyengineer both on top off the world and in the north Atlantic Ocean. You could choose so there you go, two flags for you. And a North Pole flag for @medro-Martin !
I have a flag for @wolfhart in Kansas and for the EL Leage Legend @janton in the USA, together with @stever82 in the USA, only he is in California.
Offcourse @xcountytravelers Ren from Oklahoma , @thekittygirl and @rubberduckiemom @derekrichardson and @wesphilbin and lovely @melinda010100 and @tattoodjay also from the USA, @blockurator from Pennsylvania, jayna from Minnesota, @bleueyes8960 from vandali, Illinois.
@Toddrjohnson, @vagabondcrypto also like Janton from Texas, Houston this time. @bitshares from Phoenix and @naughtinarian in Mommoth Arizona.
In Puerto Rico i have @dalipops and in Venuzuela @jenina619 , just as @jgfp.
Above my country in Scandinavia i have the lovely and helpfull @swedishdragon both in Norway and Sweden and also in Sweden @hitmeasap , @minimining and @oleg326756.
In Norway i got a flag for @norwegiansteem. Finally in Denmark @frejafri.
All alone in Ireland i have @niallon11, and in Scotland , Aberdeen @cadawg. In France
I pinned @karenb54 in the UK, just as @dronegraphica in Norfolk, @beautifullbullies and @blanchy in the UK. and @mhm-phillipines and @mrnightmare in the Phillipines offcourse ! My friends @bjornb , @fullcoverbetting Peter, @kemo16 and @jacktheflipper and sweet helper @simplymike and offcourse @arcange in lovely Belgium. My neighbourcountry to the right @detlev @suesa @reggaemuffin from Germany.
The Philippines is also represented by @jurich60 and @purepinay in Cebu nd @mjtravel in Pampanga.
have one flag in Nigeria @joetunex. Way down under i have got @nurseanne in Cairns, @mumma-monza, @ riverflow in Victoria and also @mozz333
@cicisaja in Java Indonesia and in Bali i flagged for @ekavieka. In Taiwan @livinguktaiwan , in HongKong @rosatravels.
@swedishdragon, both in Sweden and in Norway , just like @smasssh also in Sweden but also France!
I almost forgot sweet and wonderfull hostess and cook @fionasfavorites from South Africa.
The fact that you can also help vote for their proposal and buy some berries that is possible.
Here you see you help pinmapple and @buymeberries.
Good luck with all, and let me know if you need help !
This has been SO MUCH FUN, to re-read and I am doing the next blog with an update of who are still blogging just like I am and I will leave a comment and or vote on their blogs aswell.
Thanks for stopping by, its appreciated
And remember Focus on Being creative instead of Being busy even on this #toiletthursday.
Remember we are only one comment away from eachother.
Consistent Actions Create Consistent Results.
Not everyone is a blogger but everyone has something great to offer.
I am a proud member off the #theTerminal #powerhousecreatives @ladiesofhive.
Co founder for @theterminal, @heyhaveyamet and @steem-aide
(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me. @brittandjosie originals. Sources used : Pixabay and Pexels and with others its mentioned in my blog. I only use a canon camera and my iPhone.
I would like to thank you for reading my blog, feel free to leave me any feedback, if not, read you next time.

Blog Date : 19 november 2020
Thank you you weren't on the list eventhough we go back
Congratulations, your post has been added to Pinmapple! 🎉🥳🍍
We are giving away 2000 Hive for reaching 1000 travel digests
Anyone and everyone can join!
Join the raffle and check the 1000 contest post
Did you know you have your own profile map?
And every post has their own map too!
Want to have your post on the map too?
Yep i know
So many friends from all over!
I really like this project and hope it keeps going 😬
Its two years old, lets see who is still here
I was all, "Oh yeah the map project!" but now I am sidetracked and I have to know:
!BEER Is #toiletthursday really a thing?? LOL
Yes dear it is , its my tag for the Thursday and have fun, dirty , strange, small and very big toilets in a blog and just have some fun , there are some great ones all over
View or trade
Hey @brittandjosie, here is a little bit of from @phoenixwren for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Hivelanders in the country of Hive! It's a grand place to be!
Its two years old and i am going to look who is still here , and from steem to hive who is still going strong
That sounds like a monumental project! I will look forward to seeing what you find!
wow, how fun.
Don't you remember its over two years ago when it started in the other platform
We really are all over the place! What a prize of you get an Antarctica or Space Station one!
Lets see if we got members there
Oh, thank you much much for including me from the Philippines @brittandjosie
You have had your flag for so long already , it started two years ago and I will go and see who is still here
This is amazing. So many people from all over the world.
You were with flag along time ago , we have to see who is still here
never forget... that's for sure...Where does the time go? I have not used @pinmapple but certainly think it is a wonderful project! Thank you for the shout out... can't lie, got a little emotional when seeing @wolfhart. Someone that we will
Hey, @brittandjosie.
Am I still here? Well, yes, just not nearly as active as I once was.
Thank you for the informative post. I feel like I've been away so long that I accidentally hit the down arrow, but I was able to change it!
I saw hahahah no worries I knew it was a slip of the thumb , great that you are back hope all is well
All is better. Screw 2020, lol. Had some big setbacks, but major accomplishments. Hope things are grand with you too!
That was fun to read. Made me think back of the good old days on Steem, and the fun we had on chain. Good times 😁
Thanks! Thinking of all those lovely people brought a big smile to my face
I almost missed this one too! You're so many steps ahead of me. I kept looking for my handle there on your extensive lists of shout-outs but I think it stopped at 1,000. I'm probably 1,001 on your list--damn the bad luck!
Heck of a techy savvy promo(y)(y) wordsy rhyming in this sentence(y). @brittandjosie and that's a lot of
What an awesome post! Actually, I'm in Estonia since about 17 months ago. Still Northern Europe, just a different country. :)
Thanks for the North Pole flag! Haha!
Its yours forever friend we missed you
I live in China now apparently :P
I guess you do
Almost chinese new year
Hi @brittandjosie, nice to see you're still active on Hive. Hope you're doing well! I could use Hive meetup again somewhere in our beautiful country. Stay safe!
I am still here and having fun , how are you
En een meet up ja maar die f.... lockdown
Nice, ik ben een beetje verloren gegaan de laatste maanden. Als de lockdown nog wat langer aan blijft zal ik weer eens wat posten. Hier gaat het verder prima. Ik ben ondertussen papa geworden, dus heb er een nieuwe hobby bij.
Hoe gaat het met jou?
Heel gaaf, ben je vader geworden van een meisje of een jongen ? En inderdaad een hobby en een top iets om over te bloggen
I just saw you mention lol. Thanks!