in Worldmappin3 years ago


Herkese merhana arkadaşlar bugun kısa bir gezintimizden bahsedeceğim. Milli parka gittik. burasi hakkinda hem bilgiler verecegim. ilk olarak giriş ücreti 40 tl olmuş kendi arabanizla gelirseniz.


motorla gelmek isterseniz 26 tl. yaya olarak giriş yaparsaniz 13. ögrenci girisleri ise 6 tl olmuş. onun disinda tabi gezmek icin mükemmel bir ormanı ve kayalıkları var suyu çok tuzlu ve boyunuzu uzun bir mesafe boyunca aşmayacak bir plaji var.


Soyunma odaları,tuvaletleri,duşları,çeşmeleri var. deniz sadece kum. taşlı bir deniz degil. ve dalgalı bir denizde degil. o yuzden ben denizini seviyorum. eskiden isletmeler vardi suanda varmi bilmiyorum biz bu sefer ilk koya gitmedik ilk koyda oluyordu.


Park etmek icin yerler bulabiliyosunuz hafta sonu biraz zor yer oluyor ama biz tercih etmiyoruz o yuzden hafta sonu gitmeyi. ama yoğun saatlerde sorunlar olabiliyor. bizim 3 4. koy olmasi lazim kavakli burun koyu diye geçiyor buraya geldik.


burayi sevdik gecen senede gelmistik. burda denize girmek rahat olmayabilir ama taşlı çünkü. deniz ayakkabisi ile girmek daha iyi. burdada duş ve lavabo var. disardan yiyecek icecek getirmeniz gerekiyor. biz kahvalti yapmak icin geldik. çok guzel kahvalti yaptik sessiz sakindi kafa dinledik. mang yakmak yasak.


domuzlar olabiliyor ama zararsiz. ailecek geziyorlar genelde keşke cekseydim aklima geldi o anda kahvalti yapacagimiz sira geldiler çok açlardi. yavrulari ile bareber geldi. yumurta falam verdik ama doyurmazdi tabi. semaver getirmekte yasakmis bugun ogrendik.


ilk koy ailecek gelmek icin cocugunuzla falan gelmek icin daha iyi bir koy. daha sık masalar var. ve cocuk parki var. denizin derin olmamasi çok çok iyi. burda deniz hemen derinlesiyor. biz kalabalik ortam istemedigimiz icin buraya geldik aslinda.


ama ilk koyada ugradik eve donerken oralarida cekip gostermek istedim yinede. bugunluk bu kadardi bir sonraki postta gorusmek uzere.

《《Hello everyone, today I will talk about our short tour. We went to the national park. I will give information about this place. First of all, if you come with your own car, the entrance fee is 40 TL. If you want to come by motor 26 TL. If you enter on foot, the 13th student entrance is 6 TL. Apart from that, of course, it has a perfect forest and cliffs for walking, the water is very salty and it has a beach that will not exceed your height for a long distance. There are changing rooms, toilets, showers, fountains. the sea is just sand. It is not a stony sea. and not in a rough sea. That's why I love the sea. There were businesses in the past, I don't know if they exist now, we didn't go to the first bay this time, it was in the first bay. You can find places to park, it is a bit difficult on the weekend, but we do not prefer to go on the weekend. But there can be problems during peak hours. It should be our 3rd and 4th bay, it's called Kavakli Burun Bay and we came here. We loved this place, we came last year. It may not be comfortable to swim here, but because it is stony. It is better to enter with sea shoes. There is a shower and a sink here. You have to bring food and drink from outside. we came to have breakfast. We had a very good breakfast, it was quiet, we listened. It is forbidden to burn mang. There may be pigs, but they are harmless. they are traveling as a family, usually I wish I had taken it. At that moment, it was time to have breakfast, they came, they were very hungry. Came with her puppies. We gave a lot of eggs, but of course it would not satisfy. We learned today that it is forbidden to bring a samovar. The first bay is a better place to come with your child or something. more often there are tables. and there is a children's park. It is very good that the sea is not deep. The sea gets deep right here. Actually, we came here because we didn't want a crowded environment. but on the way back to the house we stopped by in the first bay, I still wanted to shoot there and show them. That's it for today, see you in the next post.》》


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