Hola a todos mis queridos lectores de Hive Blog❤️, en especial a mi comunidad de Haveyoubeenhere.
Hello to all my dear Hive Blog❤️ readers, especially my Haveyoubeenhere community.
Espero que hoy se encuentren bien, en esta ocasión me gustaría compartir con ustedes la parte final de mi aventura en bicicleta🚲 por las costas Venezolanas🇻🇪, en especial nuestro retorno hacia la ciudad de Maracay🌆📍 por la carretera de Ocumare de la costa🛣️⛰️, fue toda una experiencia y así fue como nos despedimos de este maravilloso viaje👋.
I hope you are well today, this time I would like to share with you the final part of my cycling🚲 adventure along the Venezuelan coasts🇻🇪, especially our return to the city of Maracay🌆📍 by the Ocumare road of the coast🛣️⛰️, it was quite an experience and that was how we said goodbye to this wonderful trip👋.
I hope you enjoy it, a hug.
Previously I had shared with you how our experience was at La Punta beach here I leave you the link of that adventure, Located in El Playon, Aragua State, Venezuela. Today I will share with you everything that happened after that visit to the sea...
Cuando llegamos a la posada San Bamar🏨🛎️🛏️ mi compañero de aventura y yo nos dispusimos a recoger nuestras pertenencias y a reponer energías con un batido de avena y manzana para poder prepararnos para nuestro retorno de varios kilómetros de subida montañoso hasta la ciudad.
When we arrived at the San Bamar🏨🛎️🛏️ inn, my adventure companion and I set out to collect our belongings and replenish our energies with a smoothie of oatmeal and apple to prepare for our return of several kilometers of mountainous climb to the city.
In the inn San Bamar we were treated very well, it was a pleasant experience to have stayed there;
Espero poder visitarla para nuestro proximo reto deportivo hasta Cuyagua🌊, una playa aún más lejana que la Bahía de Cata🏖️.
I hope to visit it for our next sports challenge to Cuyagua🌊, a beach even further away than the Bay of Cata🏖️.
(as we are cyclists it is even more exciting to get to new places, because we know how much it cost us to get there).
Luego de salir de la posada nos dirigimos al Malecón del Playon, donde fuimos a buscar otras artesanías del puesto de nuestra nueva amiga, para poder llevar recuerdos y regalos🎁 a nuestros amigos de nuestro viaje.
After leaving the inn we went to the Malecón del Playon, where we went to look for other handicrafts from the stall of our new friend, to be able to bring souvenirs and gifts🎁 to our friends from our trip.
We enjoyed the view towards the coast known as the Playon and mentally prepared to continue on our way🛣️;
Eran aproximadamente las 4 de la tarde⛅ cuando estábamos saliendo de esta zona.
It was about 4pm⛅ when we were leaving this area.
One of the things I love most about cycling is having the opportunity to beat my own physical limits while getting to know new sites or learning something new from places that are already known to me;
Ya que la mente y el cuerpo trabajan juntos durante el viaje y tus sentidos se enfocan mucho más en el momento presente🍃.
Since the mind and body work together during the journey and your senses focus much more on the present🍃 moment.
After leaving the redoma of the beaches and passing through the town of Ocumare de la costa we begin to head towards our real challenge, the mountain🚲⛰️🔝;
Ya que para llegar a estas maravillosas costas se tiene que atravesar el parque nacional Henri Pittier, un parque que es conocido como el más antiguo del país 🇻🇪 (creado el 13 de febrero de 1937), este parque le debe su nombre al geografo, botánico y etnologo suizo, Henri Pittier (quién tuvo su llegada a Venezuela en 1917), este botánico trabajo en la clasificación de más 30 mil especies de plantas🌱🌼🌿, dedicadose por muchos años al estudio de la flora y la fauna de este parque.
Since to reach these wonderful coasts you have to cross the Henri Pittier National Park, a park that is known as the oldest in the country 🇻🇪 (created on February 13, 1937), this park owes its name to the Swiss geographer, botanist and ethnologist, Henri Pittier (who had his arrival in Venezuela in 1917), this botanist worked in the classification of more than 30 thousand species of plants🌱🌼🌿, dedicated for many years to the study of the flora and fauna of this park.
(esta también es una de las partes que más me gustan de viajar y es que muchas veces puedes pasar por un mismo lugar sin si quiera conocer su historia📖📜, pero entre las cosas más ordinarias se encuentran las sorpresas más geniales)
(this is also one of the parts that I like most about traveling and is that many times you can go through the same place without even knowing its history📖📜, but among the most ordinary things are the coolest surprises)
Mi compañero de viaje y yo realizamos algunas paradas luego de pasar La Trilla📍, la cual queda unos kilómetros antes del pueblo de Ocumare, y en una de ellas nos encontramos a otros compañeros del ciclismo.
My travel companion and I made some stops after passing La Trilla📍, which is a few kilometers before the town of Ocumare, and in one of them we find other cycling companions.
Fue bastante complicada la subida de regreso, ya que desde el Playon🏖️ hasta Maracay🌆 son más de 40 kilómetros de distancia, siendo la mayoría de regreso en subida.
The return climb was quite complicated, since from the Playon🏖️ to Maracay🌆 they are more than 40 kilometers away, with most of them returning on the climb.
Llegamos al anocher🌙 a la cumbre de la montaña (con nosotros siempre llevamos luces de todas maneras), ver ese cartel luego de tantos kilómetros de subidas a una velocidad considerablemente rápida fue una gran felicidad y orgulloso para mi💪.
We arrived at dusk at the top of the mountain (with us we always carry lights anyway), seeing🌙 that sign after so many kilometers of climbs at a considerably fast speed was a great happiness and pride for me💪.
After so many climbs came the great descent⛰️⏬ where we said goodbye to this natural wonder, in the cafeteria of Rancho Grande;
Y poco después pudimos llegar a nuestros respectivos hogares🏠 para así descansar.
And soon after we were able to reach our respective homes🏠 to rest.
Hacer ese viaje ida y vuelta fue un gran reto para mí, aún lo recuerdo y me pone feliz, son de las cosas que tienes en tu mente y corazón y las recuerdas con orgullo, deseo poder ir nuevamente allá luego de terminar la universidad.
Making that round trip was a great challenge for me, I still remember it and it makes me happy, they are one of the things you have in your mind and heart and you remember them with pride, I wish I could go there again after finishing college.
Y espero también que ustedes hayan disfrutado de esta gran aventura y que pronto puedan crear la suya personal. Si yo puedo ustedes también, todo es cuestión de empeño, planificación y voluntad.
And I also hope that you have enjoyed this great adventure and that you will soon be able to create your own personal one. If I can you too, it is all a matter of commitment, planning and will.
Thank you very much for joining me on this trip and for your attention, I send you the best of things for your week, and so once again I say goodbye, for you @Carlitazulay.
These photos were taken and edited with my Redmi Note pro 9 phone📸
That's a real adventure on the bike! I love it!
Last year I made myself a gift and got a mountain bike, but haven't really had the courage to take it too seriously other than cycling a few km from my house :)
Thank you very much haha, I appreciate it very much.
It is not so complex you just have to find a time in the day to go out and do it every day, you make it fun if you listen to music while driving, that yes very carefully and with a helmet. ❣️
That's a good reminder that I should get a helmet soon as I don't have one already. But as soon as I do that, I'll take the most of every trip for sure 😍
That I hope friend, keep me informed of your adventures too, I was glad to meet you ☺️
I sure will! Just waiting for the winter to be gone so I can go cycling again. I'll keep you updated to my journeys with the bike out there 😀
And thank you! It's also a pleasure for me to meet you 💚
I love it haha☺️ and it excites me😎, I hope you are well, you are super nice. Many greetings, if you want to talk ever you can write me on my Instagram @carlaalvarz.
Awesome! Will keep in mind 😀
Qué gran experiencia amiga!! Hermoso post!! Y qué estado físico!! Felicitaciones!!
A mi me encantan los deportes pero la bici no me apasiona, jeje. Igual sé que es excelente para la salud!
Hola corazón jaja, muchas gracias ☺️☺️.
Me alegra que te haya gustado el post.
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Did you know you have your own profile map?
And every post has their own map too!
Want to have your post on the map too?
Thanks so much
Thanks so much 🌷🌷🌷
Very good! I loved watching. I love biking around the city and hiking trails. I'll follow your content! Very good!
Thank you very much friend, I'm glad you liked it, many greetings ❣️
Thanks so much ❣️❣️❣️
Venezuela es uno de los países mas bonitos del mundo, lamentablemente la economía nos a afectado mucho pero personas como tu con tanto que dar al mundo son las que hacen de este país un lugar mejor.
Muchas gracias por tan lindas palabras amigo, muchos saludos.
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