A day well spent......
We can't be available to our friends everyday, but when the chances comes, it is good to maximize it. 4 months just like yesterday from new year's Eve. But I know you guys would have been keeping in touch with calls and chats online.
The place looks cool, I love the environment, a beautiful place to hangout with a special friend, sorry about the noise though.
Your friend is trying noodles for the first time, that's interesting though, glad she loved it.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful day with us @pinmapple
Thank you very much for your comment🤗🌸 Yes we didn't have a problem except for the noise.
Since we talk on WhatsApp every day, our friendship has been going on since 2016, although we meet less frequently in winter🌸
That's great friendship there, no matter the distance, it would keep growing. 2016 is a long time ago, I pray your friendship gets stronger and stronger, have a lovely day
thank you very much🙏