Segovia is better at night [EN-ES]

in Worldmappin3 months ago


Happy New Year to all Hivers!.... This year we start with energies and good vibes always learning from mistakes and developing new skills. This year 2025 will be a year where I decided to learn a new language as other things...

ESPAÑOLFeliz año a todos los Hivers!... Este año comenzamos con energías y buenas vibras siempre aprendiendo de los errores y desarrollando nuevas habilidades. Este año 2025 sera un año donde me decidí a aprender un nuevo idioma como otras cosas mas...

In December before the end of the year, I had a getaway to a well-known city in Spain; we were recommended to go at night for the light show and everything we could appreciate. When we arrived we had to drive around a lot because we couldn't park and getting a parking space was a bit of a hassle.

ESPAÑOLEn diciembre antes de finalizar el año, tuve una escapada a un ciudad conocida en España; si nos recomendaron que fuésemos de noche tanto por el espectáculo de luces como todo lo que podíamos apreciar. Al llegar nos toco dar muchas vueltas porque no lográbamos estacionar y conseguir un parking era medio enredado.

The first thing you can see is the huge aqueduct and underneath there were some streets leading to a very friendly tourist trade. We had Churros with chocolate and Segovian pork for lunch.

ESPAÑOLLo primero de todo que puedes observar es el acueducto enorme y debajo habían unas calles donde conducían a un comercio turístico bien amigable. Comimos Churros con chocolate y cerdo segoviano de almuerzo.


We continued our tour passing by the main square, where we found the cathedral of Segovia with a very gothic architecture.

ESPAÑOLSeguíamos el recorrido pasamos por plaza mayor; ubicando la catedral de Segovia con una arquitectura muy gotica.


We continued walking where everyone was going, the street was called “DAOIZ” ending in a castle like the one in the Disney story. Indeed, that castle was the reference castle they took.

ESPAÑOLContinuábamos caminando por donde iban todos, la calle se llamaba "DAOIZ" terminando en un castillo como el del cuento de Disney. Efectivamente ese castillo de referencia que tomaron.


The castle was located after the Reina Victoria Eugenia square. We could not access the castle since tickets must be purchased in advance and the time we were there was very late at night.

ESPAÑOLEl castillo se encontraba después de la plaza Reina Victoria Eugenia. No pudimos acceder al castillo puesto que las entradas hay que comprarlas previamente y el horario que andábamos era muy de noche.


This concludes my visit to Segovia, a place to spend a day and get to know, there are still many places to visit.

ESPAÑOLCon esto concluyo la visita por Segovia, un lugar para pasar un día y conocer, aun quedan muchos lugares por recorrer y visitar.

PD: I need to fix my banner

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This is one of the places I have to visit for sure. That acqueduct is a dream, I'm a lover of Roman history. Can't wait to see it in real life :)

It is really very incredible. I recommend it to you!!! greetings.

Greetings, and happy new year from Italy 😁