@@ -7130,16 +7130,1770 @@
+I liked the %22hair%22 of lions. It looks like it is curled up like such big curls. For a moment I brought these animals to life in my imagination and I imagined them walking in the park, although they are safe for humans, a bit as if they were such big dogs. As for bringing the statues to life, I've had an amazing situation lately. When I was walking in the forest near my house, I saw a dog next to me, which was walking with its owner. The dog looked almost identical to the fox statues I saw at the Fushimi Inari-taisha temple in Kyoto. When I watched this dog run in the forest, I had the impression that it was an animated Japanese holy fox. Out of curiosity, I asked the owner of this dog what breed it was and it turned out that it was a crossbreed related to the breed of the Pharaoh dog. If you'd like, you can google how striking the similarity of the two animals is. %0A%0ASpodoba%C5%82a mi si%C4%99 %22sier%C5%9B%C4%87%22 lw%C3%B3w. Wygl%C4%85da jakby by%C5%82a pozawijana jak takie du%C5%BCe loki. Przez chwil%C4%99 o%C5%BCywi%C5%82am te zwierz%C4%99ta w wyobra%C5%BAni i wyobrazi%C5%82am sobie, %C5%BCe te spaceruj%C4%85 po parku, aczkolwiek s%C4%85 bezpieczne dla ludzi, troch%C4%99 jakby by%C5%82y takimi du%C5%BCymi psami. A co do o%C5%BCywiania pos%C4%85g%C3%B3w, ostatnio mia%C5%82am niesamowit%C4%85 sytuacj%C4%99. Gdy spacerowa%C5%82am po lesie niedaleko domu, zobaczy%C5%82am obok siebie psa, kt%C3%B3ry by%C5%82 na spacerze ze swoj%C4%85 w%C5%82a%C5%9Bcicielk%C4%85. Pies wygl%C4%85da%C5%82 niemal identycznie jak pos%C4%85gi lis%C3%B3w, kt%C3%B3re widzia%C5%82am w %C5%9Bwi%C4%85tyni Fushimi Inari-taisha w Kioto. Gdy obserwowa%C5%82am jak ten pies biega po lesie mia%C5%82am wra%C5%BCenie jakby to by%C5%82 o%C5%BCywiony japo%C5%84ski, %C5%9Bwi%C4%99ty lis. Z ciekawo%C5%9Bci zapyta%C5%82am si%C4%99 w%C5%82a%C5%9Bcicielki tego psa, co to za rasa i okaza%C5%82o si%C4%99, %C5%BCe to mieszaniec spokrewniony z ras%C4%85 psa faraona. Gdyby%C5%9Bcie chcieli, mo%C5%BCecie zoabaczy%C4%87 w Google jak uderzajace jest podobie%C5%84stwo obu tych zwierz%C4%85t.%0A%0A
The Chinese Garden in the Royal Łazienki Park in Warsaw / Ogród Chiński w Łazienkach Królewskich w Warszawie
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