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RE: A Bridge You've Probably Seen Before And Other Stuff You've Probably Seen Too With A Bonus Clip That's Hard To Watch

in Worldmappin3 years ago

Enlighten me, sir. Who's offended, Clyde from the Clint Eastwood movies? It's Clyde ain't it?! He's always monkeying around.

I understand if you want to answer the following question in private, you know where to find me, where's that shirt made?


Whaddup man? Much thanks for checking this one out. Happy 4th to you and yours 🇺🇸 I hope your wife is recovering nicely.

We're pretty disappointed with the Supreme Court at the moment but have the birth right to be. American born women just lost their independence. What disappoints me the most is people who judge from a distance. Not just where you and are from but anywhere. Like me saying Japan sucks when I've never been there—stoopit. Now Costa Rica, on the hand....